5 important things you shouldn’t compromise on when in a relationship

Couple at the shore
There is a misconception that relationship is all about compromise. However, over time this has been discovered as not wholly true. There are some things you don’t have to compromise on in order to avoid living an unfulfilled life. An unhealthy compromise is when you have to change all the key elements of who you are in order to suit your partner’s temporary approval to your own detriment.

These are 5 important things you shouldn’t compromise on when dating and in a relationship:

Your Family 

Your family is so important, that’s where you came out from. They ought to be irreplaceable to you. They represent your foundation and also a bridge to your future. Your new relationship may cause some form of changes however you are still meant to be connected to your parents and your siblings.

Your spiritual belief 

Don’t give up on your personal spiritual belief which you have nurtured over the years. This helps you to weather life’s challenges and gives you inspiration, so don’t compromise on your faith.

Your dignity/self-respect 

Your self-worth or dignity is very important in your relationship. No one is doing you a favor by dating you, so don’t appear desperate or force your lover to appreciate you. Don’t compromise on your dignity, so that you wouldn’t be talked down to in a relationship or addressed in a derogatory way.

Your talent and hobbies 

It's unworthy to let your talent or hobbies slip away once you are in a relationship. It could be your sport, your talent for singing, drawing, painting, sewing, designing and others. It’s your innate ability so you don’t have to compromise on this.

Your Education 

As a matter of relevance, you shouldn’t consider compromising on your education. Your partner should be supportive of you succeeding and completing that extra course you have enrolled for, that postgraduate course or professional course since its going to add value to your life.

Your partner ought to be supportive of your dreams, believe in your happiness and your potentials. However, if you observe you have to compromise on all the above just to be in a relationship, we advise you it’s a wrong decision, so it’s honorable to quickly walk out of that relationship so that you don’t have disappointment and regrets later on in life.
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