Tips On How to Get Your Curriculum Vitae Right

Curriculum Vitae

Never use a blanket CV for all your applications. As mentioned earlier, a CV is supposed to market you in the best possible light. Use all the information gathered in the first step to tailor your CV to that specific job and the needs of that particular. That does not mean you lie; it simply means you become strategic. If it is a marketing job, highlight previous marketing experiences and any possible short courses on marketing you may have taken. Similarly, if it is an IT job, but you have a degree in Engineering, for instance, highlight the CCNA course you took and any previous IT work experience. Do this for each job you apply for.

Always run your CV through a spell checker and grammar checker. If you lack access to a grammar checker, then find someone good in English to go through your CV.

If you are not convinced you can craft a good CV, then for Kshs. 1500 to 2000, you can hire a professional to craft a professional CV for you then with every application tweak the information so you can tailor the CV to that specific job.

Be concise, make sure your referees are reachable and always provide your contact information.
Avoid the instinct to emphasize the responsibilities at a previous workplace, instead focus on the results attained.

Remember the most recent information should always come first, be it education or work experience.
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