My Humble Prayer During Graduation

A Prayer for All Graduates

Dear God,

We pray for our graduation today and present ourselves before you. We thank you so much for these love and for the work you are continuing to do in our lives. God, during this season of new beginnings, we ask that you would make our way clear. We ask that you would keep our footsteps firm and remind us that you are with us, always. May we sense the freshness of your Spirit over our lives in amazing ways, may we be strengthened, instilled with hope, for the new roads you have in store.

And today, again, we release our lives straight into your tender care. Because we know that’s the best place we could ever be. We thank you in advance for all you have in store, for this day, for this year, for our lives.

We pray for protection, for your covering, that you would surround our lives as with a shield. Protect our coming and going. We ask that you would help us to live aware in a dark world and keep harm or evil intent far away. We ask that you would hide us in the safety of your powerful presence.

We ask for your wisdom and clear direction over our lives, that you would give us understanding beyond our years. Thank you that your timing is perfect. We pray that you would direct our steps, that your plans for us would prosper; that every place you have determined for us to walk would be paved clear. We ask for you to open doors that need to be opened and close every one that should be shut tight. Allow every gift and treasure you have placed inside our lives to grow, develop, and flourish, to bring you glory.

We ask that you would remind us every day how very much you love us, that we would find security and confidence fully in you, knowing that you are trustworthy and true.

We ask that you would teach us your ways and fill us with an unquenchable desire to learn your word. Give us a compassionate spirit, and the wisdom to look beyond outward appearances to the heart within. We pray that you would surround us with friends and leaders who would challenge us to press closer to you.

We ask for your peace to cover us. We ask for laughter and joy to fill our days. We pray that you would give us boldness and courage to face challenges set before us, with the confidence and peace that can only come from your spirit.

We ask that you would raise up greatness in our lives, greatness in this generation, willing to stand strong and true, passionate for you, believing that you have designed us for a purpose and good works, which you have planned and prepared in advance for us to do.

Be a lamp for our feet, and a light to our path. Shine over us. Fill us with your spirit. Bless us with your favor and peace.

In Jesus’ Name,

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