6 tips to help you make the most of your Final Major Project

Student Presenting Final Major Project

Today we wanted to give you a bit of inspiration and drive to get you raring to go!

Students take note;

The fact is you’re doing a course you love to be qualified to ultimately land your dream job. Am I right in saying ‘you can’t wait to graduate to get started properly’, well I was the same. I couldn’t wait to get my grades and get a ‘proper job’ in fashion. I was all set to start applying to get my first job on the ranks as a fashion stylist for a national magazine. That had been the plan for years. Then along came Final Major Project in my third and last year at university and it changed my whole plan for the future! As I was doing Fashion Journalism we pretty much had an open brief, we could create an app, website, exhibition space, documentary, magazine; pretty much anything went! I chose to start a magazine called Sunday Girl Magazine.

I was dedicating 24 hours a day to my project and treat it as an opportunity to create a business or a brand and took full advantage of the mentoring that was on offer. FMP time isn’t just any ‘hand in’ this is 3/4 months of your life to really go for it. This is your practice run for the real world. You have tutors with incredible industry knowledge all around you on hand to help and you will never ever get this chance again. Literally.

Since my final major project in 2017, I have built an international independent magazine with stockists and readers from all over the world and this would never have happened without the opportunity prove to my tutors what I was made of.

Below are 6 tips to help you make the most of your Final Major Project:

Plan your time

Now Rome wasn’t built in a day, as the saying goes, and neither will your monster Final Major Project. Mine took 4 months solid and I’d already planned exactly what I wanted to produce months prior to the work even being set. If you’re a slower, more casual worker or you’re not great with deadlines then make sure you have plenty of time. You’ll need time to plan and make sure to factor in setbacks such as changes, new ideas, or even changes due to advice from your tutor.

Treat your FMP as your job

As stated above, this is 3/4 months to really go for it. Pretend you’re running your own business and that this is your first assignment to show the world exactly what you’re made of.

Listen to your tutors

This is pretty crucial, however, don’t change your vision. My tutor told me to change the name of ‘Sunday Girl’ and I thought about it for 10 seconds. They’re there to guide you and help you and most of the time, they definitely know best. I know my project came out 100 times stronger with my tutors' input than if I’d attacked it singlehandedly.

Don’t cut corners

If this is going to get you those marks you desperately want, you have to think outside the box. Go beyond what’s expected so your project is well rounded and don’t ignore the little things. When handing in my project, I also handed in a business plan, media kit, and social media handles I’d created for the magazine. This showed that I was fully invested in my project!

Look to the future

The question is, can you see this working in the long run? No, it’s probably not going to hinder your marks if your project is a one-hit-wonder, but keep in mind where you could go with this when moving forward as it could prove incredibly helpful if you see a future plan in place.

Keep going past deadline

Once deadline strikes, keep that momentum. Here you’ll have a blueprint, completed project and no one can really take that from you! Keep on planning and creating. Sure, it doesn’t hurt to relax because you’ve definitely earned it, but don’t lose that drive.

Good luck and stay focused. Don’t treat this as something you need to ‘pass’, treat this as the real deal; set yourself up now.
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