Application Form for Equity Wings to Fly Scholarship 2024

Equity Wings to Fly Scholarship 2020

Do you know any child who scored 350 marks in the recently announced Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) results?

Is he an orphan, needy, or a vulnerable child?

If any of these adjectives describe him/her, then chances are he qualifies for the Equity Bank Wings to fly scholarship program.

And you know what?

Submissions for the 2024 program are now open with applications called for from all parts of the country.

In case you are learning about this program for the first time, here’s all you need to know: –

Equity Bank Wings to Fly Scholarship 2024

Equity Wings to fly scholarship is a sponsorship program run by the Equity Bank Foundation and the MasterCard Foundation to support needy children in Education.

The program targets high-achieving yet needy (orphan or vulnerable) students identified by assessing their performance at the nationally administered Kenya Certificate of Primary Education examinations (KCPE).

Some of the key things that the program considers in awarding scholarships are: – 

  1. The needing child must be academically Promising – top 5 percentile performing students in their district in The Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examination.
  2. Orphans or Vulnerable Children (as defined below);
  • Children who have lost one or both parents and have no guardian or sponsor to provide for their education
  • KCPE children whose parents are physically or mentally disabled and are unable to educate their children.
  • Children whose parents are living with HIV/AIDS or other chronic debilitating illnesses and are unable to educate their children
  • KCPE children from families affected by natural disasters such as flooding, drought, famine or civil conflict
  • and are unable to educate their children
  • Children who have suffered neglect and/or abandonment
  • KCPE children with parents living in extreme poverty and are unable to educate their children

Requirements for Equity bank wings to fly 2024

  • Get the equity bank wings to fly scholarship application form from an Equity bank near you.
  • The child must have attained 350 marks and above
  • Fill out the application form and return it to Equity Bank together with the child’s result slip and other required documents (copy of death certificate for deceased parent – evidence of financial support if there’s any in the past)
  • The shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview which will be conducted by the District Scholarship Selection Board.

What does the equity scholarship cater to?

It will take care of: –
  • School fees
  • Books
  • Uniforms
  • And student’s pocket money for the 4 years in secondary 

How to Apply for the equity bank wings to fly scholarship online

  • Visit the equity website to apply via this form – Wings to Fly Application forms Online
  • Fill out the form on the web page to register
  • You will receive a confirmation code via email
  • Enter the confirmation code
  • Proceed with filling in your application details (Academic, Family Information, and Evidence of need)
  • Download the recommendation and declaration form. Fill it out, scan and upload it back to the website

How to Contact Equity Wings to Fly Scholarship

Registered Address

  • Equity Group Foundation
  • Equity Center 8th Floor
  • Hospital Road, Upper Hill
  • P.O. Box 13241 – 00200
  • Nairobi, KENYA

Online Support

  • Working hours: 24/7 EAT
  • Email:
  • Official Website:

Phone Support

  • Working hours: 24/7 EAT
  • Call: – +254 (020) 2744000,
  • +254-711 025000
  • +254-734 108000
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