Make Exercise Your Friend And You'll Enjoy It!

Kenyan woman at the gym

In all seriousness, I actually love going to the gym! The excitement of seeing every one of various shapes and sizes grinding it out is encouraging.

Here are some tips for enjoying the gym

Have a plan before you go.

Don’t just walk around aimlessly or BS on the treadmill for an hour. Know what your plan of attack is.

Incorporate group classes.

Group classes are a lot of fun! From yoga to body pump to those popular Zumba classes. There really is something for everyone. Explore what your gym has to offer and incorporate them into your schedule.

Treat yourself after your workout.

I treat myself to time in the sauna after every workout. I just love how it relaxes me and re-energizes me after feeling like I almost died in my HIIT class!  If that’s not your deal, enjoy your favorite smoothie or a relaxing soak in the tub. Whatever it is, make sure you only do it AFTER you get your workout in or it won’t be a treat anymore.

Have your gym clothes ready.

If you have to scramble to find your sports bra and sneakers it makes it easy for you to say “F it!” Don’t let being unorganized stop you from reaching your health goals. Have at least 2 sets of gym clothes and keep a bag packed and in the car at all times.

Get your music playlist set.

I don’t know about you but my Beyonce music playlist gives me LIFE at the gym! Make a playlist of the songs that make you want to dance and you’ll be ready to bang out a workout!

You only get one body so treat her well!
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