What to Do After Taking a Positive Pregnancy Test

Positive Pregnancy Test

Congratulations, you’re pregnant! Seeing that positive sign on a pregnancy test is sure to bring on a flood of emotions. You’ll probably have so many questions! Primarily, what are you supposed to do next? Whether it’s a complete surprise or something you’ve been planning for a while, it’s time to call your OBGYN. Here’s what to do after taking a positive pregnancy test.

Make a Doctor’s Appointment

One of the first steps you should take is to schedule a visit with an OBGYN. Sure, at-home pregnancy tests are extremely accurate these days. But you’ll still want to have your doctor confirm your results. They’ll be able to administer more sensitive tests and perform a pelvic exam. Your OBGYN will also help you determine your due date and get you on track for a healthy pregnancy.

Be Patient with the Big Announcement

Once it’s official that you’re pregnant you may want to shout it from the rooftops. But it’s usually suggested that you wait until your second trimester to make that big announcement. Most pregnancies will safely come to terms, but miscarriages most commonly occur in the first trimester of pregnancy. Try keeping it between you and only your closest family or friends for now.

Start Taking a Prenatal Vitamin

Now’s the time to begin taking daily prenatal vitamins if you haven’t been taking them. Prenatals contain specific vitamins and minerals that are essential for you and your baby’s health. Pregnant women require more folate, calcium, and iron to promote baby’s development and mom’s overall well- being. Ask your OBGYN which prenatal vitamins they recommend.

Quit Smoking and Drinking Alcohol

This should go without saying, but we’ll say it anyway because it’s so important. Cigarettes and alcohol can cause serious complications with your pregnancy and harm your baby. Serious issues such as miscarriage, low birth weight, premature birth, birth defects, and alcohol fetal syndrome can occur. If you were still smoking or drinking before you found out you were pregnant, it’s absolutely time to quit now.


While you’ll want to clear exercise with your OBGYN to ensure it’s safe, it’s usually fine to keep exercising. Staying active while you’re pregnant can provide a wide range of benefits like better sleep and alleviating aches and pains.

Eat Healthy and Stay Hydrated

It can be easy to use your pregnancy as an excuse to eat whatever you want. But eating a healthy diet is essential for mom and baby’s nutrition. Whole grains, fruits, veggies, and lean meats are all good choices. Be sure to avoid foods that can be harmful during pregnancy such as cold cuts and undercooked fish or meat. You’ll also want to steer clear of certain fish that contain mercury, such as swordfish and tuna. And don’t forget to up your water intake to stay hydrated. Not only is it important for the baby, getting enough fluids can help prevent hemorrhoids and constipation.

Getting a positive pregnancy test is just the beginning of an exciting journey. Make sure you’re getting the best possible care for you and your baby. 

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