How To Get HELB Clearance Certificate Online

How To Get HELB Clearance Certificate Online

A HELB clearance certificate is issued to those people who have completed repaying their HELB loans. It is often confused with the HELB compliance certificate. Here we will show you the difference and why it is important.

We will also show you how to get your HELB compliance certificate online.

Whether or not you have applied or benefitted from HELB before, you will need a HELB compliance certificate especially if you are looking to be employed.

A HELB compliance certificate shows that you are in good standing with your loans and have not defaulted on repayment. It is issued to both loanees(those who have gotten HELB loans before) and non-loanees(those who have never benefitted from HELB before).

However, a HELB certificate of compliance (or HELB compliance certificate) is not the same as a HELB certificate of clearance (HELB clearance certificate).

What is the HELB clearance certificate?

A HELB certificate of clearance, commonly shortened as simply HELB clearance certificate is an official document issued to previous loan beneficiaries upon full repayment of their HELB loans.

The clearance certificate shows that you have successfully repaid your loans as required and are cleared from any dues.

Why it is important

Whether you are employed or not, HELB requires you to make monthly repayments of your HELB loan if you have benefited before.

For those who are employed, the payments may be deducted directly from your monthly salary and remitted to the Loans Board. For those who are in self-employment or doing other work, you are required to make monthly deposits for your repayments.

In that case, the HELB clearance certificate comes in handy when you have fully completed repaying your loans and want to stop the monthly deductions.

Secondly, most potential employers will require you to submit your HELB certificate of compliance or clearance in order to be considered for employment. It is therefore one of the necessary documents required by most employers.

You can also use your HELB clearance certificate in case there are disputes arising from your repayments or in case of overpayment and refunds and wrong transaction records.

For those who would like to further their studies and apply for HELB loan for postgraduate students, you may need to prove that you are in good with your previous loan or have completed repayment. This is especially for those who would like to apply for HELB Jielimishe Loan and were previous beneficiaries during their undergraduate studies.

How to apply for HELB clearance certificate and HELB compliance certificate

What is the difference between a HELB compliance certificate and a HELB clearance certificate?

As stated earlier, the HELB compliance certificate is for both non-loanees and loanees who are in good standing with HELB. The HELB clearance certificate is for those who have cleared their loans.

Here will show you how to apply for each one of them.

How to apply for a HELB compliance certificate

You can apply for a HELB compliance certificate online through the HELB student portal or the government e-citizen portal.

To get the HELB compliance certificate from the HELB portal;

  • Go to the HELB student portal.
  • Login using your email and password.
  • Navigate to services and click ‘compliance certificate’.
  • You can then download and print your certificate from there.

Note that this process requires you to have a registered account on the HELB student portal in order to access the services.

To get a compliance certificate via the e-citizen portal;

  • Go to the official e-citizen portal.
  • Sign in using your name and password.
  • Confirm your account identity.
  • Choose HELB services and select the clearance/compliance certificate option.
  • You can now download and print your compliance certificate from there.

The above process also requires you to have a registered account on the e-citizen portal in order to access the services.

Note: The focus of this guide is on the HELB clearance certificate, therefore for a complete explanation about compliance certificate see this other guide we wrote here: how to get the HELB compliance certificate online.

How to apply for a HELB clearance certificate

To get your HELB clearance certificate you will need to physically visit HELB offices in Nairobi. The offices are located at Mezzanine One Floor, Anniversary Towers, University Way in Nairobi.

You may be asked to fill out an Enquiry Form (EF) once there. The inquiry form will include:

  • Nature of inquiry.

The nature of inquiry could be anything concerning HELB services. E.g Loan balance, loan disbursement, repayments and refunds, compliance or clearance certificate, complaints, and others.

  • Client’s details.

Here you may be required to provide your ID number or university registration number.

  • Employment details.

If employed you will input your employment details here.

  • ATM details for refunds

You may also need to give your ATM or bank details if you are expecting refunds.

Getting the clearance certificate

Your HELB clearance certificate will be processed within the same day. The details included in the certificate include:

  • Your name.
  • Identification number.
  • Registration number.
  • College or university attended.
  • Type of loan cleared.
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