Vegetable Cake Recipe

Vegetable Cake

This vegetable cake contains a medley of vegetables to give it health and richness in color.


☛ I large zucchini

☛ 3 large carrots

☛ Vegetable oil 1 cup

☛ 3 large eggs

☛ Cinnamon 1 tbsp.

☛ Cardamom 1 tbsp.

☛ Self-raising flour/cake flour 3 cups

☛ Honey ¹/₂ cup

☛ Milk/substitute/water 2 cups

☛ Vegetable cake with Oxtail


Grate your vegetables and set aside.

Beat your eggs with honey and oil until frothy.

Add the egg mixture to the vegetables and stir gently then add the cake flour and mix evenly.

Add the milk/water a little at a time until you get a cake consistency. Do not over mix to avoid hardening the cake.

Lay your baking tray with parchment paper apply a bit of oil in it and dust it with flour (it helps the cake not to stick after cooking).

Pre-heat your oven at 180°C or 350°F for 10minutes.

Pour your cake mixture into the baking tray and lay it evenly.

Set it in the oven for 45 minutes max. But be checking often to see if the cake is raising and baking evenly.

To check if it’s cooked insert a toothpick or a fork at the middle and when it comes out clean then it is done if not, let it bake for longer until done.

When satisfied that it’s ready put it in a rack and let it cool before taking it off the baking tray and serving it to avoid breaking and any burns for you.


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