Health Claims: Too Good To Be True? Don't Believe Every Promise You Read Or Hear!

Health Claims

Almost every week you’re likely to come across a commercial or an ad for a new health product that promises better sleep, more energy, clearer skin, firmer muscles, lower weight, brighter moods, longer life—or these combined. Health guide 911 wishes to put this clear that, you can’t believe every promise you read or hear.

Keep these general guidelines in mind the next time you come across a health claim:

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t.

If a magic pill could really trim off excess pounds or banish wrinkles, the world would be filled with thin people with unlined skin. Look around and you’ll realize that’s not the case.

Look for objective evaluations.

If you’re watching an infomercial for treatment or technique, you can be sure that the enthusiastic endorsement has been skillfully scripted and rehearsed. Even ads that claim to be presenting the science behind a new breakthrough are really sales pitches in disguise.

Consider the sources.

Research findings from carefully controlled scientific studies are reviewed by leading experts in the field and published in scholarly journals. Just because someone has conducted a study doesn’t mean it was a valid scientific investigation.

Check credentials.

Anyone can claim to be a scientist or health expert. Find out if advocates of any type of therapy have legitimate degrees from recognized institutions and are fully licensed in their fields.

Do your own research.

Check with your doctor or with the health center around you. Go to the library or do some thorough online research to gather as much information as you can.

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