Precautions for postpartum sexual intercourse

Precautions for postpartum sexual intercourse

I think that having sex after childbirth is a problem worthy of new mothers’ understanding, and physical factors should also be taken into account when resuming sexual intercourse. During this period, the new mother was somewhat indifferent to sex because of the emotional transfer. If the husband and wife still want to have a normal sex life as before, they need to postpone it for a period of time and wait for the psychological and physical recovery of the new mother.

Precautions for postpartum sexual intercourse

1. Sexual intercourse should be moderate: when postpartum sexual intercourse is restored, it is not allowed to be excessive, and the movements should be gentle. The ovarian function of women who are breastfeeding after childbirth is inhibited, and the follicles in the ovary are still. It is impossible for this kind of still and undeveloped follicle to produce estrogen. The vaginal mucosa without estrogen is not only thin but also fragile and inelastic.

2. Avoid vaginal laceration: the main manifestation of vaginal laceration caused by postpartum sexual intercourse is vaginal active bleeding after sexual intercourse, the blood color is relatively bright red, and some women may have pain. Once the occurrence of active bleeding after sexual intercourse should be timely treatment, so as not to cause excessive bleeding.

3. Pay attention to contraception: contraceptive measures are indispensable. Studies have shown that women who do not breastfeed can resume ovulation about 40-50 days after delivery, and those who are not fully breastfeeding can resume ovulation between 3 and 8 months after delivery. Even new mothers who are fully breastfeeding may have a pregnancy rate of more than 2%.

In addition, the recovery of sexual life must be careful, although the reproductive organs of new mothers return to normal, but endocrine may not be restored to the status before pregnancy, vaginal tissue crisp and weak, easy to cause laceration and even bleeding. Therefore, must contraception, postpartum lactation does not come, menstruation will also be pregnant.
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