See Maina Kageni Salary Per Month 2021

Maina Kageni

Maina Kageni is the highest-paid radio presenter in Kenya, his current monthly salary stands at Ksh1.5 million. The highly talented radio presenter joined Classic FM more than 15 years ago, his first monthly salary was Ksh380,000. Initially, he was working for Nation FM with a monthly pay of Ksh60,000

The most surprising thing is that Maina Kageni did not go to college. He completed high school and moved to the UK where he was required to pursue his college studies.

His mother, a former UN employee, had sent him college fees but the radio presenter opted to squander the money. This one alone strained the relationship between the two.

While in the UK, Maina Kageni sought work as a truck driver, a task he pursued until his return to Kenya late 90s. It’s after landing in the country that he was employed at Nation FM.

For more than 5 years now, Maina’s monthly salary has been ranging between Ksh 800,000 and Ksh1.2 million before COVID-19. It was in 2019 when the salary was raised to Ksh1.5 million.

The reason why he earns such a staggering figure is that he attracts over 25% of Radio Africa clients, he also commands a huge social media following.

Besides earning the monthly salary, Maina Kageni also earns bonuses and commissions from various real estate companies that advertise on Radio Africa.
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