Passion fruit has a pulpy interior with a lot of seeds. When mature, their exteriors can come in yellow or purple color depending upon the variety. Golden or yellow passion fruit has more airy and acidic flavor whereas the purple one is highly aromatic and has a strong flavor.

Pleasantly sweet and tart, passion fruit, also known as granadilla, is brimming with numerous plant derived health benefiting nourishment essentials for the optimum growth. Passions are native to subtropical wild regions of South America, probably originated in Paraguay. The plant is an avid climber (vine) that grows on anything that it can grapple around through its tendrils.

This fruit is widely consumed in the form of juice, in salads, fruit pulp, mixed in cocktails, in desserts and a flavoring agent.

Passion Fruit health benefits include providing essential nutrients to the body, supporting body immune system, may help to fight cancer, a rich source of vitamins, support digestion, treat the gastrointestinal disorder and reduces bad cholesterol. Other benefits include improving blood circulation, supporting bone health, treating respiratory conditions, curing insomnia and acting as a natural mood enhancer.

Passion Fruits

Health Benefits of Passion Fruits

Boosts Immunity

Passion fruit contains antioxidants which include vitamin C, carotene and cryptoxanthin which scavenge free radicals from the body and neutralize them before they can harm the organ systems and result in conditions like cancer, heart disease, or premature aging. Furthermore, vitamin C stimulates the activity of white blood cells and the rest of the immune defense system, thereby protecting you from common illnesses and serious diseases at the same time.

Prevents Cancer

Antioxidants in passion fruit primarily eliminate free radicals, which are known for mutating the DNA of healthy cells into cancerous ones. Passion fruit also contains vitamin A, flavonoids, and phenolic compounds, all of which have been linked to anti-cancer properties, particularly in terms of oral and lung cancers.

Eye Health

Passion fruit contains Vitamin A which is linked with eye health, including the prevention of macular degeneration, cataracts, and night blindness.

Aids in Digestion

Passion fruit is a good source of soluble fiber that acts as a bulk laxative, moving food through the digestive tract and reducing exposure time of the colon to any toxins. It can reduce signs of constipation by regulating bowel movements, scrubbing the blood vessels clean of excess cholesterol, and even prevent gastrointestinal conditions like colorectal cancer.

Reduces Blood Pressure

Passion fruits contain potassium which relaxes the tension of blood vessels and promotes increased blood flow. This reduces the strain on the heart and increases overall cardiovascular health. Furthermore, potassium is necessary to maintain the proper fluid balance of the body’s cells.

Improves Circulation

Passion fruits contain iron and copper that are essential components of red blood cell production. Once the RBC count increases and the vessels are dilated, then healthy, oxygenated blood can flow freely to necessary areas of the body, stimulating the metabolic activity in all the organ systems and boosting productivity and efficiency.

Improves Bone Health

Passion fruit contains iron, copper, magnesium, and phosphorus which are important for increasing bone mineral density and bone strength. Some of these minerals play an integral role in creating additional bone matter, strengthening existing bone matter, and speeding up repair. This can be a means of eliminating, preventing or alleviating the symptoms of osteoporosis and the associated pain and inflammation that occurs when bones deteriorate with age and activity.

Treats Insomnia

Passion fruit contains Harman which functions as a sedative. This compound of passion fruit has been connected to a reduction in restlessness, insomnia, and nervous anxiety, which can keep you from getting a good night’s sleep.

Aids in Respiratory Conditions

Recent studies have shown that a combination of various extracts from the purple passion fruit peel creates a novel mixture of bioflavonoids, which have an expectorant, sedative, and soothing effect on the respiratory system. It has been positively connected to a reduction in asthma attacks, wheezing, and whooping cough.

Skin Care and Hair Care

Passion fruit contains vitamin B₂, vitamin B₆, A, and C which can help prevent hair loss and dandruff, as well as inflammatory conditions on the skin, such as psoriasis and eczema.

Treats Gastrointestinal Disorders

It serves as a great laxative to keep your digestive tract in good shape. This is why it is also helpful in preventing colon cancer. It relieves constipation and scrubs excess of cholesterol from your blood vessels to prevent a large number of gastrointestinal conditions.

12. Reduces Bad Cholesterol

It is quite a challenge to maintain good cholesterol levels. Bad cholesterol not only causes fluctuations in the blood pressure, but it also blocks the arteries to increase the stress on your heart. Hence, if you want to reduce your cholesterol levels the healthy way, include passion fruit into your diet. Since it naturally increases HDL and lowers LDL, you can make it a regular component of your diet for a healthy life.

A Natural Mood Enhancer

There is another benefit of the beneficial alkaloids that are present in passion fruit that affect the entire nervous system. It is a natural mood enhancer. People who feel low or are depressed are recommended to consume passion fruit, thanks to its healing benefits.

Aids Diabetes Treatment

The low glycemic index (GI) and the high fiber content of the fruit make it a hit with diabetics. The fruit is also rich in pectin, a type of fiber that keeps you full without increasing your calorie intake. The sugar in the fruit is slowly absorbed into the bloodstream, and this prevents sugar crashes and cravings. Studies show how fiber in passion fruit can be used as a treatment for diabetes mellitus.

Improves Brain Health And Reduces Anxiety

The potassium and folate in passion fruit are responsible for this. While the former enhances blood flow and cognition, the latter prevents Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline. Some sources state that the fruit can also help reduce anxiety.

Is Beneficial During Pregnancy

The folate in passion fruit helps in the growth and development of the fetus and prevents neural tube defects in infants. The fruit also boosts immunity and bone health during pregnancy.

Might Aid Weight Loss

Though there is less research on this, some studies suggest that the fiber in the fruit can help one lose weight.

Passion Fruit Keep Anemia Risk Away

The red color of our blood is due to a pigment called hemoglobin whose chief content is Iron. Hemoglobin carries out the main function of blood which is transporting blood to all parts of our body. When doctors talk about the low level of blood, it usually refers to a deficiency of hemoglobin called Anemia. Anemia is not a serious condition, but if it remains unchecked and undiagnosed for long, it can lead to very serious consequences.

Usual symptoms of low hemoglobin include persistent tiredness, breathlessness, drowsiness, blackouts, and dizziness. Passion fruit contains a high amount of iron which is 20% of daily required value along with Vitamin C. Vitamin C is vital for the absorption of iron in the body. It prevents the loss of iron and increases hemoglobin in the blood.

Passion Fruit Side Effects

Passion fruit is a good source of fiber. If you drastically increase your intake of fiber, it may cause short term distress in the gastrointestinal tract. However, this should go away as your body adjusts to the change in fiber intake. Passion fruit, like all other fruits, are considered safe to eat. If you notice any unusual symptoms in your body after eating them, it may be from an allergic reaction. Speak with your healthcare team before eating more.

If you have never tried passion fruit, consider buying it the next time you are at the supermarket. Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables is recommended to get the most benefit from antioxidants they offer.

There are no inherent risks of eating passion fruit, and its wealth of nutrients and health benefits take care of most bodily concerns. However, most of the calories of this fruit do come from sugars, so people with diabetes should be careful not to eat it excessively, or at least be aware of their blood sugar levels. Other than that, enjoy passion fruit and start feeling better in countless ways in no time!

Passionflower supplement

The passionflower can be in supplemental form. It is promoted for being a calming agent to help with anxiety or sleeping problems. Web MD suggests this supplement is most likely safe for most people for the short term but should not be taken in excess.

It should also not be taken when pregnant or breastfeeding. Any supplements can have interactions with medication or underlying health conditions, so make sure to speak with your healthcare team if you want to take this supplement.

Juice versus whole fruit

Keep in mind drinking passion fruit juice can have a different effect on the body than eating passion fruits whole. The juice does not offer fiber which can help slow the release of sugars into the bloodstream. A study from Harvard School of Public Health concluded greater consumption of fruit juice was associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, but eating more whole fruits was associated with a lowered risk for type 2 diabetes.

Storage of passion fruits

In the stores, buy fruits that are well ripe, plump, and heavy for their size. Fruits with wrinkle surfaces are actually more flavorful and rich in sugar.

Avoid overtly mature fruits. Minor cuts and spots are common on the skin. Such small abrasions on the fruit surface usually do not influence the quality of the fruit.

Once at home, keep them in fruit basket and place in a cool dark place where they stay well for 1-2 days. Ripe fruits may be kept in the refrigerator for up to one week. Additionally, passion fruit freezes well. Simply scoop the pulp into a bowl, add a little sugar, and freeze in the chiller tray.

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