Teachers Service Commission (TSC) Transfer Form is a document filled when a teacher is seeking transfer from one school to another.

This form is filled by a teacher who wishes to change his/ her current workstation. The form enables the commission to consider a teacher’s intra and inter-county transfer request. The reason for seeking the transfer must be satisfactory enough to warrant the transfer. Such reasons as ‘on medical grounds’ with supportive evidence are presumably given much weight by TSC. Those with organized swaps also get an easy ride. 

It is important to note that getting a transfer from one station to another is one of the uphill tasks a teacher can undertake. It is not easy especially if one has not completed the five-year minimum requirement or three-year requirement for teachers in the North-Eastern Part of Kenya.

Another hindrance to one's transfer is if the teacher happens to be the only one employed by the commission to teach the two subjects in the school.

However, there is no room to despair when seeking a transfer. There is an alternative option where you can seek a swap. A swap only works when the two teachers are in mutual agreement and they teaching the same subjects combination.

While filling TSC transfer form it is a requirement that the form is completed in triplicate by a teacher applying for inter-County/Intra-County transfer whereas if the transfer being sought is within Sub-County, only one copy is completed.

The following details are required:

  • TSC Number, Mobile phone Number, and Email.
  • Teaching Subjects.
  • Job Group.
  • Current Station the Sub-County and County in which the school is found. The length of stay at the present school and Length of stay in the same Sub-County.
  • Present assignment(This could be any responsibility given assigned e.g class teacher, Head Of Subject, or H.O.D).
  • Institution to which transfer is requested for the Sub-County and County in which it found.
  • When is transfer required.
  • Reason for transfer.
  • Name, Signature, and Date.
  • Head of institution’s recommendation (after the headteacher has written his or her recommendation, he or she is required to indicate his or her name, TSC number, official rubber stamp, append signature, and indicate date)

Once all the above details have been filled in the form, the teacher should take the form to the TSC county office for further consideration. The decision to be taken depends on the recommendation made by TSC County Director/Staffing Officer.

Note 1: Applications should be completed in TRIPLICATE. Two (2) of these copies should be forwarded to the County Director/Staffing Officer through the head of the institution for a recommendation, and distribution as follows:

(i) Original to the Teachers Service Commission.

(ii) Copy to TSC County Director/Staffing Officer.

Note 2: No teacher shall move from one station to another before he/she receives a letter of transfer from the Commission/TSC County Director/Staffing Officer.

Note 3: A teacher’s transfer request may not be considered until he/she has served in a station he/she is assigned to teach for a period not less than five years, except under conditions specified in regulation 27 (2) of the Code of Regulations for Teachers.

TSC Teacher Transfer Download Application Form


To download the TSC Transfer form click here

TSC Online Teacher Transfer Applications Process Step By Step

Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has digitalized its services and from now onwards applications for transfer shall be accessed online through the Commission’s  website at www.tsc.go.ke.

In a circular dated 15th February, the Commission stated that there will be no manual  applications for recruitment and promotion of teachers with effect from 1st March, 2021.

The online Teacher transfer application process is simple and straightforward. In this write up am going to take you through the whole process step-by-step.

1.      Go to TSC website (www.tsc.go.ke) and click online services and select Teacher Transfer.

2.      Enter your details-TSC No, ID Number, Mobile No and click login.

3.      A six-digit authorization code will be sent through your mobile number. Enter the authorization code and click login.

4.      On successful login, the system is able to detect if you are either a primary or a post-primary teacher.

5.      Click ‘Submit a Request for Transfer’ to proceed.

6.      Enter all the details, and check the declaration box.

7.      After entering all the details and checking the declaration box, click ’OK’i. The system will display your current station and the requested County.
ii. Click “File Attachment(s)’ button to attach supporting document(s) in case the request for transfer is due to insecurity and/or medical grounds.
iii. You can also Edit, Withdraw or Print the transfer request.

8.      Click Browse to select the document to attach.

9.      Enter your Remarks.

10.  Check the dialogue box and Click Ok after attaching the document.a. Your attachment(s) will be displayed. You can either Remove or View your attachment.
b. Click Submit Button.
c. Once your application is successfully delivered, application status changes to “Pending”. (Please note the application status will keep on changing)

11.  Click Logout to exit from the system.

Head of Institution (HOI) recommendation

The Head of the institution will get the requests through the institution Emails and the HOI portal.

Option 1: Email notification

1.      Open your Email.

2.      Click the email notification Link to proceed.

3.      Enter your comments as the Head of Institution and Click the ‘Submit’ button.

Option 2: HOI portal

1.      Go to TSC website (www.tsc.go.ke) and click Online Services, select HRMIS and click on ‘Teacher Transfer’ button.

2.      Enter your TSC No, ID Number and Mobile number and click Login

3.      A six digit authorization code will be sent through your mobile number. Enter the authorization code and click Login.

4.      HoI (Head of Institution) portal will display the incoming transfer requests.

5.      Click ‘Action’ button to recommend the transfer and enter your comments.

Click ‘Submit’ button.

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