10 Fun Facts about Georgetown University (HOYA SAXA)

Georgetown University (HOYA SAXA)

We’re shining a spotlight on Georgetown University and the whacky students who call themselves Hoyas. If you’ve ever wondered what a Hoya is, you aren’t alone. The most popular story behind the name is that in Georgetown’s early days, all students were required to study Greek and Latin, and the sports teams were called “The Stonewalls.” At games, students used to shout the HOYA SAXA (hoya is Greek for “what” and saxa is Latin for “rocks”). The cheer is still popular today and Georgetown students are known as Hoyas. But that’s just some background for you… get to know Hoyas better with these 10 fun facts!

1. If someone steps on the Georgetown University seal in front of the Healy Hall, rumor has it that if the person is applying the Georgetown he or she will not be accepted. If the person is a student, he or she will not graduate in four years. So step with caution!

2. Georgetown students like to boast about our awesome Alumni, Bill Clinton and Bradley Cooper. Who wouldn’t boast if they had grads that were the President of the United States of America and an Academy Award Nominee? Bonus: They stop by for talks and visits from time to time! 

3. Georgetown is old enough to be part of the Ivy League. The Ivies are an athletic collegiate conference of sports teams on the East Coast. Georgetown played with almost all the schools in the conference and was established in 1789. 

4. Georgetown hails brilliant speakers every year ranging from the President of the United States, Barack Obama to Kevin Spacey, a world-renowned actor.

5. According to LinkedIn, Georgetown places numbers 1, 3, 6, and 15 amongst all universities for placing its graduates in investment banking, finance, marketing, and media respectively6. There is a robust international community with students from more than 40 countries making up about 17% of the student body.

7. Every couple of years, seniors steal the clock hands from the Healy tower. The tradition is that the clock hands get sent to the pope to be blessed at the Vatican and get sent back. However, there are severe penalties for stealing the hands! Do it at your own risk!

8. Don’t leave Georgetown until you sit on John Carol’s lap located near Healy lawn. However, be sure to look out for Georgetown police when you do!

9. Georgetown has one of the largest student-run EMS organizations in the country! And one of the AdmitSee members used to be part of it! 

10. Students at Georgetown Inc., commonly known as The Corp, is the largest entirely student-run non-profit in the world. 
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