A Guide To Get Back Into Good Shape After Child Birth

A Guide To Get Back Into Good Shape After Child Birth
Most women if not all, get horrified to find a floppy belly instead of the previously flat tummy they thought would be back after pregnancy. Perhaps you leave behind a trail of, 'Is she pregnant again?' whispers every time you walk past a group of people or you just can't seem to get your jeans to button up.

It goes without saying that many women appear to hold on to at least a couple of kilos postpartum, and a quarter of women retain about 5 or more kilograms a year after giving birth. After giving birth, the last thing that’s likely on a new mom’s mind is going on a diet. If you are ready to banish your belly pooch and lose that baby fat for good, here are simple ways:

Simple Ways To Get Back Into Good Shape After Child Birth

Get Started While You’re Pregnant

If you are still pregnant, it is normal to gain weight, but that shouldn’t allow you to throw caution to the wind and start eating chocolate cake for breakfast or a family-size bag of chips for an afternoon snack.

You will have cravings, and you should indulge yourself from time to time, but prudence now pays back greatly later on. Just because you’re pregnant doesn’t mean you can be a couch potato.

Walk around the block once or twice a day. This will benefit you and the baby by getting your blood flowing and getting fresh air into your lungs.

Nature Gives Weight-Loss Advantages

Once the baby is born, there’s an immediate loss of 11-13 lbs. Breastfeeding will also help you lose weight, using up to 800 calories a day. And after you’ve allowed your body to recuperate (about 4-6 weeks) so that you can start exercising, a little bit of weight training will go a long way to helping you lose weight.

Guess what? You don’t have to join a gym or buy weights. Your baby is weight enough. Hold the baby to your chest and do lunges. Lunge behind the stroller as you walk. On your back, hold your baby above your chest and do presses toward the ceiling.

To Lose Weight Get Plenty of Rest

If your baby is sleeping, so should you. A baby’s needs can impose strange sleep cycles on adults and this can upset the metabolism and this makes it hard to lose pregnancy weight. Sleeping when the baby sleeps will allow you to avoid any long-term sleep deficits. That will keep your energy levels high and help keep sugar cravings for energy in check.

If you don’t get enough sleep, you won’t have the energy to keep yourself moving through your waking hours, much less want to work out or get your exercise.

Consider Natural Weight Loss Remedies

Many ingredients included in weight loss supplements are not approved for women who are pregnant or nursing. Consider some natural weight loss foods that will stem your hunger or affect your metabolism in a healthy way. Not all of these may sit well with you, but give some a try.

Taking lime and honey in the water a couple times a day is a natural weight loss remedy. Green tea has excellent properties that help weight loss. Drink it often during the day. A cabbage dish once a day is good for weight loss – low in calories and high in fiber.

Join the Company of Other Mothers

Misery loves company may be a clue here. Not only good for moral support and sympathetic conversation, but you can also see what other mothers are doing that works for them. A mom who is on a second or third child can impart a lot of wisdom to a first-timer. Also, it can be helpful to connect with other moms for regular exercise. If you don’t feel like you have the energy or the time to exercise, you can form an early-morning running group with some new moms in the same situation.

Sεx Is Still Good

Every healthy woman knows that sεx is good and a recent pregnancy should not forestall having an emotionally and physically good time. You will want to have healed enough, usually, four to six weeks, so that there is no discomfort; but try to get back to the pleasure of things as soon as possible. You will want to regain good control of your bladder and strengthen your pelvic floor and Kegel exercises will help with that.

Breast Feeding

Breastfeeding - Not Everyone’s magic weight loss pill A magic pill this is not! It can work for some women but this tends to be when women have put minimal extra pregnancy kilos on. For some women, due to post-pregnancy hormones, their bodies will hold on to a couple of kilos regardless of exercise and diet until they have finished breastfeeding. I believe for breastfeeding to assist with weight loss it needs to be done for 6 months or more. Women who have exercised during pregnancy will lose weight quickly anyhow with or without breastfeeding.


Making sure you eat protein i.e. quality meats, eggs, full-fat dairy, and nuts, at every snack and meal post-birth. It will not only help to produce better quality breast milk but protein repairs muscle tissue promoting optimal recovery.


You need to drink a lot of water if you are breastfeeding staying hydrated also helps to clear excess pregnancy fluid left behind, your body can’t rid itself of all that extra pregnancy fluid overnight.
Keep hydrated to reduce fatigue, quench thirst and produce plenty of milk!

Limit Sugar

You may hear that you can eat whatever you want whilst you are breastfeeding and that breastfeeding by itself will help you lose weight, this is certainly not the case for everyone! Yes you need extra calories whilst nursing and you should definitely not go hungry but it is no excuse to indulge in sugary foods in particular and overeat!

Start Slow

You might be eager to get back into your pre-pregnancy skinny jeans, but be patient. It can take up to a year to lose the weight and tone the belly, which is completely normal and even preferable. The amount of time it takes to see results also depends on your pregnancy, whether or not you had a cesarean section and your own body. Be sure to get the green light from your doctor to start working out again, usually around six weeks postpartum.

Get Physical.

Most new moms are too sleep-deprived and overwhelmed to even think about exercise. That’s perfectly OK since most women’s bodies aren’t ready for serious exercise until six weeks after giving birth, anyway longer if they’ve had a Cesarean section. Start by walking around the block, if it feels good and doesn’t cause or exacerbate bleeding, walk a little farther the next day.

Lift Weights, Get Strong

Weight training will go a long way toward speeding up your metabolism. However, instead of going to the gym or investing in a set of dumbbells right away, incorporate your baby into your routine. Hold the baby to your chest and do lunges, or do lunges behind the stroller as you walk. Or lie on your back, holding the baby above your chest, and slowly press her up toward the ceiling several times.

Eat Healthful Snacks

Eating too much sugar can send your blood sugar levels on a roller-coaster ride. And when your blood sugar drops, you’re more likely to eat the first thing you can get your hands on. So skip the sugary treats. To avoid temptation keep only nutritious foods at your fingertips. Also, eat high-fiber snacks like figs and raisins or whole-wheat crackers with veggies.

Free Your Mind. Avoid stress

Simply put, you’re probably stressed, and it sucks. Here’s why: When you’re worried or feel like you have no control over what’s happening in your life, your body reacts by releasing the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline into your bloodstream. High levels of cortisol make you crave fatty, sweet, salty, crunchy foods.

Pull In, Squeeze and Tighten

Not only does your stomach stretch during pregnancy to accommodate your growing baby, but the abdominal muscles may actually tear. So exercises that force you to draw the navel into the spine, or make you squeeze as though you’re going to be punched in the stomach, target the deep muscles underneath the rectus abdominous, and the external and internal obliques and help to engage the whole core. Try pelvic tilts, reverse crunches, plank exercises or a Pilates program.
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