Exercise Plan For A Curvy Girl

Curvy Girls Fitness

All exercise plans are not one-size-fits-all workouts especially catering to the Curvy Girls. I find that the trendiest exercise plans out there are not considering the needs and desires of the Curvy Girl who is just beginning an exercise plan for weight loss and rebuilding a firm curvy bodies.

Why is this?

Creators and fitness experts who have designed any kind of exercise plan to release to the fitness market have never had the mindset of a Curvy Girl.

They have not struggled with their weight for a long period of time so designing a successful exercise plan for beginners who are Curvy Girls would be impossible to do.

They have not been ostracized by mainstream society and they don’t realize what it’s like to carry 50 – 100 pounds of added weight or even more attempting to do the basic functional movements to live on a day-to-day basis.

I suppose it is much more productive to make the most of what is out there, Curvy Girl and make smart and wise decisions when starting your healthy exercise plan to lose weight and get in shape than to think that it is useless because there is just nothing out there for you.

What is the popular saying? “Work with what you’ve got!”

So I’m here to give you wise and safe adjustments so you can still continue to take action on your exercise plan and prevent yourself some of the biggest frustrations and also prevent injuries.

So when choosing and designing a healthy exercise plan based on your physical goals and lifestyle you’ll need to take into consideration three vital things as a Curvy Girl: your fitness level, your personality, and your time commitment.

We will go through these three factors more closely.

Your Exercise Plan – Your Fitness Level

Finding an exercise plan for beginners is not easy. If you are a beginner when it comes to exercise you may want to feel included in a group or when you’re at a gym but it may seem obvious to you that when you start an exercise plan it’s not that way.

If you’re at the gym everyone seems to know their way around the gym floor. They seem to know how to work the machines and what exercises to do. They seem to be on point with their healthy exercise plan, while you feel absolutely intimidated by the whole gym thing.

Personal trainers at a gym are there not only to train their own clients but to help create an exercise plan for beginners or newbies and to get acquainted with the gym and the equipment. Hiring a trainer for a few sessions that have had some experience training Curvy Girls would be smart to do.

Make sure that a “biggest loser exercise plan” is not in your future Curvy Girl because in real life this kind of strategy is unhealthy, unsafe, and unrealistic. Basically, if a personal trainer were to design a biggest loser exercise plan style for you it means that he is an incompetent fitness professional so you need to burn the biggest loser exercise plan blueprint and run to the hills.

If you’re taking a group class, make sure that you know what the class is and make sure that you introduce yourself to the instructor and have her know that you’re feeling unsure and apprehensive but you’re here to find a healthy and safe strategy and an exercise plan to lose weight!

For those Curvy Girls who are athletes and/or who are workout veterans make sure that when you’re going into a new environment to start a new exercise plan to mix things up that the instructor or trainer is not discriminating against you because of your size.

Maybe before starting class introduce yourself and tell her that you’re new and give a brief overview of what you’ve been doing for the past year and what your major goal is. Just make sure that he knows that you’re here not just for an exercise plan to lose weight but you’ve got deeper goals like preparing for a triathlon or 10K race or you want to build upper body strength and increase reps with your military push-ups.

Your Exercise Plan – Your Personality

Know your personality type to help you with fitness motivation.

Are you an introvert?

Are you an extrovert?

Do you love challenging your body and mind?

Is music important when creating an exercise plan?

Maybe thinking to be around people right now while you’re moving your body for the first time when you’re experimenting with different types of workouts is about to give you an anxiety attack. So it may be wise to choose small group activities or find one-on-one help or even work out at home.

All of these questions are really important to think about when you’re choosing a healthy exercise plan especially when you’re beginning to work out because creating positive experiences with exercise is crucial in making it a habit and transitioning into a healthy and fit lifestyle.

Today there are so many activities to choose from. For instance tomorrow I’m taking a Spinning class in the morning and Zumba dance with toning in the evening. On the weekend I will be taking a Kickbox/Hip Hop Dance combo class.

Again, make sure you know what you would enjoy and what you know would make you too uncomfortable to even think about doing.

Your Exercise Plan – Your Time Commitment

The last factor is just as important as the first two when creating an exercise plan for success.

I always hear this from clients and customers, “Diane, I don’t have time to exercise.”

But honestly, you’ll have to incorporate exercise not only for permanent weight loss but also to create a healthy and strong body throughout your life. So making time is IMPORTANT!

Ask yourself – what kind of time can you carve out of your day?

Can you take an hour out of your busy life for yourself in pursuit of this life-changing goal?

Do you remember you’ve dreamed about doing this?

When is the right time? When will you have time?

Let me reveal something to you.

Time is created by YOU.

When you start making yourself and weight loss and taking action with an exercise plan a priority then you’ll create the time needed to make this happen for yourself.

So here are some suggestions.
  • If you’re a morning person, then work out in the morning before work.
  • If you’re a night owl, then work out at night after work.
  • If you don’t seem to have time before or after work then work out during lunchtime.
  • If you don’t have any time during lunchtime then do 10 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes in the afternoon, and 10 minutes at night.

You have time Curvy Girl.
You have time:
  • to not get sick.
  • to prevent diseases.
  • to not get injured.
  • to live 10 -15 years longer.
  • to recover perfectly from major surgery.
  • to enjoy the happy endorphins.
  • to climb up the stairs without getting winded.

All of the above benefits are from exercise.

So again…You have time Curvy Girl.

When choosing an exercise plan there are a few things to think about before taking action; your personality type, your fitness experience, and time constraints are important factors. But after a quick assessment then it’s time for action because your new body and new life are waiting for you!

I hope the Exercise Plan For A Curvy Girl article was helpful and you’re walking away with an action plan. Until next time Curvy Goddess, Stay Strong and Stunning!
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