Health Benefits of the Natural Squatting Position

Natural Squatting Position
Squatting is a posture where the full weight of the body lies on the feet, and the knees are either bent fully or partially. Squatting is the most natural way for defecation. This posture has been proven to treat hemorrhoids (piles), cure constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome. Squatting also makes knees more flexible and thighs stronger apart from keeping the colon healthy.

As already said, using the squatting posture for eliminating our body’s waste has been much more beneficial than sitting in a toilet. Let’s know why squatting is advantageous for our colon and health.

Squatting For Relieving Constipation

Many people experiencing constipation find difficulties in passing stools. There are various causes of constipation. The most common and surprising cause of constipation is the way we sit on the toilet. The Human body is designed to pass waste sitting in a squatting position, which is a natural position for elimination. Squatting prevents constipation in the following ways:

  • The squatting position naturally compresses the colon and forces the waste out without causing any strain to the muscles of the rectum and anus.
  • Our anal canal opens naturally as we squat. So, when we squat for eliminating waste, our anal canal is straightened and fecal matter simply moves out without any strain. Whereas, when you are sitting in a toilet, some people have to force open the anal canal.
  • When squatting for defecation, the ileocecal valve or an inlet valve remains tightly sealed between the small intestine and the colon, which allows the colon to be completely pressurized. This pressure creates a natural laxative effect and prevents constipation.
  • During the squatting posture, puborectalis muscle, or an outlet valve remains relaxed, thus straightening the pathway to the anus. This allows waste to pass easily. In the sitting position, the puborectalis muscle clasps and chokes the rectum, thus preventing the free release of waste from the anus. This increases the incidence of constipation.
  • There is a sharp bend or “kink” where the sigmoid colon links the rectum. A squatting posture straightens the kink and also relaxes the puborectalis muscles.

Squatting Prevents Hemorrhoids (Piles)

Hemorrhoids, also called piles, are inflamed and swollen veins in the rectum and anus. A person who suffers from hemorrhoids, or piles, often experiences bleeding, pain, and itching. Hemorrhoids are caused primarily due to straining. When we sit for excretion, people are forced to strain for pushing the waste downwards. This excessive straining causes the injury to the veins of the rectum and anus, which therefore gets inflamed and bleeds.
When we squat during defecation, the large intestine aligns correctly and supports the muscular contractions that push the waste material along the digestive tract. This ease of eliminating our body’s waste during the squatting position alleviates the occurrence of hemorrhoids or piles. Many kinds of research support the fact that squatting is a highly effective and fast treatment for early hemorrhoids.

Squatting During Pregnancy and Delivery

The squatting posture is of great benefit for pregnant women. Squatting releases the pressure from the uterus and prepares the body of the pregnant woman for a fast, natural, and comfortable delivery. Squatting is also an exercise that can be done safely throughout the pregnancy without causing any complications to the pregnant woman.

Daily squat exercise during pregnancy opens the birth canal by 20 to 30 percent as compared to any other position. During delivery, the squatting position enhances the pressure in the pelvic cavity without much muscular effort. It also prevents the occurrence of hemorrhoids or piles that is a common risk for woman during pregnancy.

Squatting Supports The Normal Functioning Of The Body

During squatting, the nerves in the prostate, pelvic, bladder, and uterus regions are effectively protected since the squatting posture prevents damaging by not making them stretch unnecessarily. This assists in the proper functioning of the body and also helps in the efficient elimination of the body’s waste.

Using the squatting posture for elimination is a healthy practice that leads to better colon cleansing, proper bowel movements, faster elimination, and good health. Squatting also reduces the risk of various diseases including hemorrhoids (piles), constipation, and colon cancer. A daily practice of squatting for a couple of weeks will help you squat easily. In the long run, the squatting posture will improve your balance and beneficially stretch your spinal cord
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