Simple tips on how to lose weight in a healthy way

Ladies walking

Healthy weight loss is not just about a ‘diet’ or ‘program’. It focuses on your lifestyle; your eating habits, physical activities, your health status, your environment among other important factors. It is about an ongoing lifestyle that includes long-term changes in daily eating, exercising, and sleeping habits, among others.

Here are simple tips on how to lose weight in a healthy way:

Be mindful of Portions sizes
There is a need to watch your portions during meals. Whether your meal is composed of complex or refined carbohydrates; the quantity also matters. Take modest amounts and choose a dinner plate not larger than 9 inches.
Focus on quality your meal
Choose whole grains and their products over refined carbohydrates. Refined carbohydrates are loaded with calories, fats, sugar, and salt. Consumption of a meal mainly composed of refined carbohydrates leads to the production of large amounts of insulin. The resulting insulin response leads to a quick drop in blood sugar and energy levels. You end up getting hungry fairly soon. Reduction on refined carbohydrates and cutting on sugary drinks from the diet are necessary to stimulate weight loss in many people.
Take your breakfast
Always eat your breakfast. Skipping or eating too little for breakfast is usually a huge obstacle to weight loss. Skipping breakfast sends a message to your body that you’re starving and as a protective mechanism, your metabolism slows down. Individuals, who skip breakfast, struggle more with weight problems and low energy levels later in the day, than do people who take time to have their breakfast. Eating breakfast boosts your energy levels for the rest of the day and prevents fatigue.
Do not Skip your Meals
Skipping meals may seem the easiest way to lose weight or to cut calories. However, it usually backfires. You are most likely to be very hungry back later in the day, often leading to overeating. Skipping meals also slows down your metabolism rate which makes weight loss a nightmare.
Have enough Sleep
There is convincing evidence that getting less than an ideal amount of sleep as an independent risk factor for overweight and obesity both in children and adults. Lack of enough sleep increases the stimulus to consume more foods and increase appetite-regulating hormones. Goodnight sleep is important to good health; it regulates appetite and lower food cravings and naturally promotes to keep weight in check.
Be more Active
Introduce an exercise plan in your schedule. With regular exercise, you don’t just burn calories when you are active; you increase the number of calories you burn at rest “resting energy expenditure.” Any increase in resting energy expenditure is extremely important for weight loss, as most of us are at the rest the greater part of the 24 hour day. Your resting energy expenditure remains elevated as long as you exercise regularly 4-5 times a week.
Set realistic Goals
It’s advisable to set a goal that is achievable; by breaking long term goals into small achievable goals, you’ll be more likely to reach your goal. A better initial goal is 5–10% of your current weight. It may not put you where you wanted, but it can lead to important improvements in weight-related conditions such as hypertension and diabetes. After achieving your initial target, then aim for another 5-10%, till you attain your target weight.
Keep a Food and Exercise Log
A portion of daily food and work out dairy can make you more aware of exactly what and how much you are eating, your physical activities, uncover particular times that are challenging to you and help you establish areas to improve on. Indicate everything no matter how small or insignificant it seems.
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