Things You Should Know About Poop

Fake Poop

The poop is 75 % Water. The remaining 25 % is fiber, bacteria, cells, & mucus. Soluble fiber found in vegetables, fruits, beans & nuts is ideal for creating a solid part of healthy poop. Insoluble fiber found in corn, carrots & oats are difficult to digest & often shown up in stools looking much the same as they did when entered the body.

Blood makes poop Brown: When Red Blood Cells are broken down by the intestines, they get a sort of rusting treatment which turns them brown, it shows you are getting enough iron in your diet from leafy greens, beans, red meat & spinach.

Floating poop indicates that your body is not digesting food properly. Floating poop is high in fat & increased gas in the stool allows it to float., which means you may have a problem absorbing nutrients. Floating stools may also mean you have a lot of trapped gas in the intestine, which could be caused by a block in the gut. A chronically Floating stool is associated with celiac disease or chronic pancreatitis.

Poop never smells good, but an unusually strong odor could indicate a problem. Illness, viral infection, Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis & Celiac Disease cause strong-smelling poop. Extra-stinking poop usually means you are not digesting food properly.

The color of your Poop can tell you a lot too ...

a) Green poop: This could mean you are eating a lot of greens or you are not digesting food properly due to food may be moving through the large intestine too quickly, as a result, bile doesn't have time to break down completely... Eating blueberries or food containing green dye also turn your poop green.

b) Red Poop: This could indicate that you have blood in your stool or you may have eaten red- colored foods.

c) Yellow or greasy poop: Can result if you have a problem absorbing nutrients. It can occur if you eat too many grains or excess fat in the stool due to malabsorption disorder like celiac disease.

d) Black Poop: Can be caused by eating too many Blueberries or food containing black dye. It can be due to internal bleeding.

e) Light color Poop: Can indicate a block in the flow of bile or liver disease.

Passing gas is Healthy. When your body breaks down food, gas is released as a byproduct of your food being digested. The American College of Gastroenterology states that passing gas up to 18 times a day is normal & healthy, more than that could be a problem.

According to studies, it can take from 24-72 hrs to fully digest food & eliminate it out the other end. This may be one reason why food poisoning can take several days to show up.

The shape of the Poop: Healthy Poop has .. S... Shape & looks like a log. A poop that is broken into pieces is a sign of constipation. A poop that is thin can be a sign of the narrowing of the rectum, which could indicate a serious health problem like rectal cancer.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a collection of symptoms such as cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation. People with IBS have some of these symptoms — such as cramping and diarrhea or bloating and constipation — for at least 3 months.

IBS can be uncomfortable. But it does not lead to serious diseases, such as cancer. It also does not permanently harm the large intestine (colon).

Most people with IBS can ease symptoms with changes in diet, medicine, and stress relief. For some people, IBS symptoms are more severe. They may get in the way of going to work or traveling, even traveling short distances.

There is no cure for IBS, but there are things you can do to feel better. Treatment may include:

√ Changing your diet

√ Taking medication

√ Counseling and stress relief

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