Here is a Job Search Recipe You Can Adopt in 2024

Here is a Job Search Recipe You Can Adopt in 2021

If you have ever searched for a job or been jobless for a substantial period of time, then you will agree with me that searching for a job is a full-time job on its own. In fact, the energy and time invested in looking for a job ranging from drafting numerous application letters, furnishing CVs to going for countless interviews could just be equal to the time one would spend employed.

Like any other job, job searching requires a functional strategy and a well thought- out plan to be smooth and, achievable within a reasonable period of time.

In this article, I will discuss four tips, steps, and guidelines that can be adopted by any job seeker irrespective of what level they are at in their career to lessen the hustles of job search.

1. Identify Industries in which you would like to work in/with

Understanding the industry in which your interest lies is key in creating clarity and narrowing down to the most preferred jobs, so that you do not apply for any job which, can be time-consuming as well as draining. You can identify your industry of interest based on your passion, career aspirations, and professional goals. For instance, if you fancy working for/in an NGO then the NGO world would top your priority list when you set out to job hunt. Gaining such clarity and understanding of where your interest lies professionally, is key in conducting a successful job search.

2. Always have your job search tools ready

Nothing beats the power of having a well-done CV, cover letter, and well-polished interviewing skills as a job seeker. Is your CV able to convince and make a recruiter want to meet you or have a further conversation with you beyond just flipping through your CV or cover letter? It is common knowledge that an application begins with a properly drafted CV and an application letter. If/When shortlisted, the job interview follows. Therefore, it goes without further stress that the most fundamental job search tools are a CV, application letter, and up-to-date interviewing skills. How frequently do you do a CV revamp before you put in an application for a new job? Do you use the same application letter in every job? Do you do your preparation before attending an interview? It is important that you update your tools every time you are doing an application as every job comes with its unique requirements which may completely require you to tweak your CV and application letter to be well suited.

3. Talk about it

Let people around you know that you are actively searching. Ask for referrals, and let them know that should they know a company seeking to fill a vacancy where your qualifications and skills are required, then you are the first person they should forward that job ad. People land jobs through such social networks and this too has proved to be a channel to leverage on for referrals.

4. Don't just apply for the sake

I have met job seekers who apply for any job, throw in their CVs for any job advert they come across without taking time to understand the requirements of that particular role. I am sorry to firmly state that this is a waste of your time. You applying for jobs where you completely don't qualify only helps you in creating statistical records of the applications you sent out before you finally landed a job but doesn't add any value to your job search exercise. Why apply for a job which requires someone with 6 years of experience when you only have 2, why waste time sending in an application for a job which requires someone with a M &E background when you completely lack that?

Understanding the requirements of a job before doing an application plays a big role in ensuring you don't apply for jobs you are not qualified for and is a wastage of your time. Don't just throw in an application simply because you have seen an opportunity, apply because you know your skills, experience, and qualifications fit well in that job.
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