Why women should take a break from wearing underwear more often. See why!

A photo of a woman without underwear walking upstairs
Today’s health tip is about taking a break from wearing underwear. 

Here are a few reasons – of not wearing underwear. Sometimes you need to give your family jewels a breath of fresh air, especially if thong underwear is your undergarment of choice.

It's comfortable.

The number one reason you should not wear underwear is that it's, honestly, really comfortable.

It's just you, your vagina and your pants getting to know each other better, hanging out like old friends, sipping glasses of wine.

There are no links between going commando and contracting infections.

It might feel like your bare vagina rubbing right up against the inside of your pants would create a perfect breeding ground for bacteria, but that idea has long been debunked.

Dr. Gillian Dean, Planned Parenthood New York City's associate medical director of clinical research and training, told The Village Voice there's no scientific research suggesting a direct correlation between going commando and contracting infections like bacterial vaginosis or yeast infections.

Going commando can actually help prevent infections.

If you have lots of itching and irritation down there, gynecologists actually recommend you skip wearing underwear.

On her blog, gynecologist "Dr. Kate" has found doing so really will decrease those feelings of discomfort. If you can't find it in you to ditch underwear during the day, try doing it at night.

Vaginas are already moist and hairy, so adding a layer of suffocation (in the form of underwear) can actually make things worse.

Dr. Alyssa Dweck, M.D., told Shape magazine if your vagina is constantly covered, more moisture collects down there, which cultivates an ideal environment for yeast growth.

And since the risk of yeast infections among humans has actually been increasing, it might be a good idea to start going commando ASAP.

No Visible Panty Line (VPL)

We've all seen the phenomenon: A woman in tight, light-colored pants who forgets her purple granny panties are visible through her ass -- in color, shape, and outline -- to the whole world.

Could someone really be that unaware? There's nothing more embarrassing than that dreaded VPL (Visible Panty Line), but when you go commando, you'll never, ever have to worry about it.

Exercise caution, though: You aren't safe from camel toes.

No wedgies

Ever find yourself digging out a wedgie deeper than you'd dig for gold? Going commando means never again having to sneak away from a social situation to claw around inside your butt.

If that right there isn't enough of a reason, I don't know what is.

When you actually need to go commando, you'll already be used to it.

In your life, you might wear something to require you to go commando, and there's no better way to prepare for that moment than going commando all the time.

For those women who'd previously been uninitiated into the commando lifestyle, I'm sure having to do so was intimidating. But for those who were used to it, it was probably just another day.

Back in high school, I wore a clingy, white, floor-length dress for senior prom that, if I wasn't 17 at the time, I probably would have gone commando in.

If you asked me to wear that same dress now, you can bet your ass I would not wear any underwear. I'd just get a really good bikini wax instead.

You'll feel sexier.

Sure, some girls feel sexy in a matching lace lingerie set, but what's sexier and more risqué than being fully naked under those jeans?

And that little secret you have with yourself will totally up your confidence when you talk to coworkers, professors, friends and the guy you have a crush on.

Your man will definitely find it sexy.

Maybe your relationship needs a little excitement in the sexual department.

Let your boyfriend know you're not wearing any underwear and watch his lust for you skyrocket.

You can up the ante by whispering it in his ear in a public place where he can't do anything about it just yet, like at a party.

You will officially become the only thing on his mind all night.

Your pants will fit better

Are there certain pairs of underwear you can't wear certain pairs of pants because they make your pants fit differently?

I can't wear full-coverage underwear with so many of my jeans; the underwear adds just enough extra thickness, making my jeans too tight.

I feel much better in my jeans when I wear a thong or, better yet, when I go commando.

If you went commando more often, you'd never have to worry about what kind of underwear you have to wear for specific pants.

And you probably could afford to buy jeans in smaller sizes, which obviously would feel awesome.

You'll feel random bursts of pleasure throughout the day.

Having the seam of your pants run right along your vagina can create some interesting sensations throughout the day.

This will especially happen if you're wearing jeans, where the stitching is so thick, fidgeting around in a chair can rub you the wrong -- or, ahem, right -- way to make you feel a little-unexpected warmth down there.

When this happens, smile subtly to yourself and embrace it. It's a day-maker for sure.

Sometimes, it's just necessary

If you've run out of clean underwear and you're too lazy to do a wash, do not even think about going back in your dirty hamper and fetching a used pair. Instead, just go commando.

There's no better time to start than right now. At the end of the day, going commando is not nearly as big of a deal as we all think it is, mainly because you don't really have to tell a single person you're doing it. In fact, more women should embrace it.
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