Career at Apple: Application | Hiring Process

Career at Apple: Application | Hiring Process

As one of the most valuable companies in the world and the biggest global corporation leading international technological advancements, modern communication, and electronics, it’s no surprise that hundreds of thousands of job seekers apply for positions with the tech giant every year.

The California-based company yields some of the best employment rates and highest revenues among the largest Fortune 500 companies.

As of 2020, the billion-dollar business directly employed about 90,000 people in the United States and helped create and support approximately 2.4 million jobs across all 50 states through various business connections. Based on its employment and revenue trajectory, the company is on track to contribute $350 billion to the US economy by 2023.

Globally, Apple directly employs more than 147,000 full-time workers at more than 500 retail stores and 27 office locations across 25 different countries.

Whether you’re an expert in hardware, software, design, operations, and supply chain, or looking for a gig in marketing, corporate functions, sales, business development, or retail, Apple is almost always looking to hire new employees and advance their teams.

The company is also extremely inclusive and even ranks as one of the top US businesses open to hiring felons.

Continually ranked as one of the best companies to work for, thanks in part to their high employee satisfaction ratings and ample employment benefits and perks, getting hired by Apple is no easy feat. But, don’t worry, we at Zippia have got you covered.

With the right skills and experiences and some inside knowledge on how to nail your job interview, perfect your application, and make a lasting first impression, you’ll be well on your way to landing your dream job working for Apple. By closely following the tips and tricks outlined in this article, finding a job at Apple will be much easier than you think.


The first step in getting hired by Apple is understanding the company’s application process and learning where to apply for jobs and career opportunities.

Generally, when looking for a job at Apple, the best place to start is on the company website. On any given day, the tech giant lists more than 500 job openings on their website for various locations within the United States and around the world.

Applying for a job at Apple is the same across the board for entry-level, mid-level, senior management, or work-from-home positions. Job searching on the company website will ensure you find vacancies and employment opportunities that are up to date, real, and reputable.

To help you navigate the job application process, you can also search for openings at Apple via online job boards and professional websites like LinkedIn, but keep in mind that these sites, more often than not, will direct you to Apple’s job directory.

Hiring managers at Apple receive thousands of resumes every day for any given job opening, so if you’re looking to stand out from the crowd, there are a few alternate options you can take to find your dream job working for Apple.

One of the most successful methods of finding and securing a job at Apple, one of the largest publicly-traded companies in the United States, is through networking and referrals.

If you have any professional connections at Apple, getting a recommendation or referral from a current employee or manager will bring your application leaps and bounds above your peers and competitors.

Getting an inside referral, however, is no easy task. If you’re just starting your career and your professional network isn’t quite that established yet, attending networking events hosted by information technology and electronic companies can be a great asset to you during your job search.

If you’re a college student or a recent graduate, another great way of finding a job at Apple and standing out among other applicants is by attending various recruitment programs and events.

College campuses and community centers often host recruitment fairs and job seminars, which can be a great opportunity to connect with Apple representatives and supplement your application by putting a face to your resume.

Recruitment events can also, in many cases, lead to internships. Getting an internship with Apple is a great career stepping stone and can even lead to a future full-time job with the trillion-dollar Silicon Valley-based technology company.

Applying for the Job

You can find job openings and vacancies from the company’s recruitment page. When you’ve scanned through the open positions and find one you’re qualified for, fill out the application form. After, you will wait for a confirmatory response from HR personnel to proceed to the next step.

Aside from its careers page, Apple also distributes recruitment advertisements. It sends these ads to universities, traditional media houses, and online sites like Glassdoor or LinkedIn.

Like any other firm, Apple’s recruitment starts by perusing an applicants’ resume. If you want to try your luck at Apple, your resume should meet the essential qualification criteria specified in the job listing. Don’t try to over-impress in your resume. A good resume is brief, compact, and impactful. When it comes to references, Apple will only check them once you’ve passed the interviews.

Apple looks for people who are both capable and teachable. Apple likes candidates who are eager to learn and have a strong passion for innovation and sustainability. An applicant must also have skills that are relevant to the position they’re applying for. While work experience is an edge, anyone has a shot at the position they’re vying for as long as they’re willing to learn and grow.

Competition can be steep for each job vacancy at Apple. For this reason, you should do your best to stand out. To do this, you can demonstrate your leadership skills, curiosity, creativity, and ability to think outside the box. Apple values technical skills but not as much as creativity, curiosity, and ingenuity. Technical skills can be taught, but those other traits are harder to find in a candidate.

The Hiring Process

The hiring process at Apple is long, competitive, and rigorous. Applicants are first pre-qualified. Recruiters assess they have the minimum qualifications required for the role they’re applying for. Those who pass the pre-qualifying stage will be invited to a hiring event for their first interview.

Senior staff will ask more questions about their skills and experiences during the first interview. During this round, applicants must convince the interviewers why they’re a good fit for the position.

Each interview stage will have its own goal. For each level, applicants who don’t meet the required skills or attributes won’t be asked to continue. For this reason, applicants need to prepare well for each round. Interviewers will ask hard, technical questions. They’ll also ask questions meant to test your presence of mind and ability to make decisions under pressure.

Apple has designed the interview questions to highlight specific attributes from applicants. These attributes are decision-making skills, curiosity, creativity, conflict resolution, and interpersonal skills. When answering, it’s also a good idea to let the interviewer know that you value teamwork.

Applicants can also prepare for these interviews by learning about Apple and what the brand represents. They must know what Apple is passionate about. They should know about its goals and advocacies as they may be asked about this information about the company, during the interview. Candidates must also be familiar with the operations and organizational structure of Apple even during the application process.

What Happens Next

Candidates who pass the interviews will have their background information checked. Those who have no issues during this stage will likely receive an employment offer. Those who don’t make it will still be informed of the company’s decision.

If you don’t make the cut during the first—or even second—time, don’t lose hope. You can reapply as the company doesn’t have a freeze or blacklist period. The applicant’s previous application record will be on file and accessible to the hiring personnel. Some even go for interviews with different teams to increase their chances of securing a job at Apple.
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