10 Healthy Reasons Why You Should Get in the Pool

10 Healthy Reasons Why You Should Get in the Pool

With so much conflicting information that comes from multiple sources, eating for two during the most significant nine months of your life may seem like a nerve-cracking responsibility.

With the mercury rising up, people start finding up reasons to go into the pool to get some relief from the scorching heat of summers. But, is a refreshing dip in the pool just another way to cool off. Well, it’s much more than that.

There are many benefits of swimming every day, which go far beyond losing weight. While swimming is expedient for everyone, including men, women, and kids, but the swimming benefits for women are innumerable, and this makes it an ideal workout regime for all women.

In today’s busy and stressful lives, one needs to find out some way to relax their mind and burn the extra calories from their body which may be the primary reason behind a number of ailments.

Swimming is one of the exercises that allow you to skip those boring exercises in the gym and yet, indulge in a rigorous and effective workout. While swimming, an average person can burn up to 550 calories per hour.

Given the physical and mental benefits of swimming, it can rightly be regarded as one of the best workouts you can indulge in.

Here are the top 10 reasons that signify why swimming is the best exercise for women.

In fact, one may need to eat about 400 additional calories each day to support the baby’s growth and development. But, where should those calories come from?

1. Swimming is the Perfect Calorie Burner

Without lifting too heavy weights and running on that treadmill for hours, you can easily lose weight and burn your calories by swimming. It not only burns calories but is also the best fitness solution for your stubborn belly pooch.

While the exact number of calories burned by swimming depends on its intensity and length, but, even if you swim for 10 minutes daily, you will start feeling lighter in just two weeks.

2. It Improves Your Body’s Flexibility

The range of movements and motions required for swimming gives amazing flexibility to your body. Swimming is the only exercise where each part of the body is in action, and the entire body is required to move efficiently.

While it is a low-impact exercise, but the way it stretches all the muscles of the body, makes the arms do arch movements, and requires the legs to perform gentle strokes, it definitely contributes greatly to making your body immensely flexible.

3. Swimming Helps In Toning Your Muscles

Water is about 12 times denser than the air, and thus, the body undergoes a rigorous workout during swimming. As a result, the muscles get toned and the muscle strength improves considerably. The constant use of arms and leg muscles gives them a toned appearance and a fine shape.

4. It Leads to a Healthier Heart

Health experts and doctors from across the globe have stated that just 30 minutes of swimming every day significantly reduces the chances of coronary heart disease by 40 percent in women.

Swimming, being an aerobic exercise helps in strengthening the heart, and during swimming, the pumping of blood to different parts of our body becomes much faster than normal.

So, not just the heart muscles get strengthened, but the body’s inflammatory response also improves, resulting in a healthy and strong heart.

5. It Targets The Underworked Muscles

While swimming, you use almost every muscle on your body, and especially the arm muscles. Thus, the constantly under-worked muscles in the arm area such as lats, traps, and deltoids also get the much-needed workout.

Another benefit of swimming for women is that it helps in developing and strengthening the deepest stabilizing muscles in your lower back and core.

6. It Lowers The Risk Of Diabetes

Diabetic patients are always suggested to keep themselves indulged in water, air, and exercise, and what can be better than swimming. It’s an ideal workout for diabetic people, as it does not require extraordinary strength, is gentle on the joints yet an effective way to control your blood sugar, blood pressure, and diabetes.

Also, the women who are regular swimmers have lowered the risk of developing diabetes, both Type I and Type II.

7. Swimming Decreases Your Acute Stress Levels

According to health experts, swimming gives your brain a break from the stressful life and the constant over-stimulation which we often face in today’s fast lifestyle.

-Swimming being a tranquilizing activity generates endorphins, the feel-good hormones, and thus, helps in decreasing acute stress levels.

8. Swimming Gives You A Longer Life

While every exercise that helps in enhancing the blood flow in the body and strengthening the immune system contributes to your life’s longevity, but swimming is one of the best sports activities which can help a person live longer.

-As per the health experts, it is a strenuous yet relaxing exercise, and that’s why it’s not harsh on your joints, muscles, and body but delivers extraordinary benefits.

9. It’s A Perfect Low-Impact Exercise

Water has a very low impact on the body’s articulations and that's why swimming is an ideal workout for those who cannot put extra pressure on their joints. One can swim at higher intensities, burn more calories, use more muscle strength and yet avoid any tear or damage to the body, joints, or muscles.

10. Swimming Helps You Overcome Asthma

During swimming, we are unable to inhale as much oxygen as we do when we are out of the water. As a result, the body starts adapting to the lower levels of oxygen and learns to make efficient use of it.

Also, the body learns to increase its intake of fresh air with every breath and start expelling more carbon dioxide during exhalation.

Consequently, due to increased breathing control and improved lung function, people suffering from asthma feel better and develop body strength to fight its symptoms.

Whether you want to try swimming to lose weight fast or overcome the day-to-day stress, it is one of the best activities you must have on your daily to-do list. So, stop waiting and grab your swimsuits. It’s time to swim!!!
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