One of the primary concerns for both parents and educators is a student’s lack of staying motivated. Both prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and during, some students have found it rather difficult to find and retain motivation in class. Children are naturally quite curious, however as they age, children can lose that interest and passion to learn. Learning is a life-long journey and it’s important for children to find it both enjoyable and rewarding to sustain that motivation.

A kids’ motivation is often intrinsic, however, it can take a sense of support and encouragement to sustain that motivation. It’s important for both children and teachers to understand how to best encourage and foster motivation in school and for online learning. Here are areas you can focus on to boost a student’s motivation:


Express The Importance of Education To Your Children.

The first step to ensuring your child is present and motivated in school is to express how much you value education yourself. As a parent, your most significant teaching tool is your wisdom and attitude. Start by discussing school with your child each day and asking questions. While prompting this talk about school, keep an ear open for your child’s top interests. Depending on what those interests are, take the time with your child to research and learn more about the topic! Having a positive attitude about school and encouraging your child to continue learning will show them how important education and being productive is both in and outside of school.

Reward Achievements In A Valuable Way.

It’s always beneficial to reward children for their achievements, but only in the most appropriate way. Rewards can promote positive behavior in students, encourage interest and participation and reinforce the content of the lessons learned in class. Praise is one of the most effective forms of reward. It verbally reinforces the efforts, improvements, and successes of the student. Praise also expresses to your child that you are paying attention to their learning progress. You can also celebrate successes with an educational trip to the museum, park, or movie night!

Promote the Student’s Ownership

Ownership is one of the most important gifts you can give to your child! From an early age, children can learn about freedom and responsibility to have a vibrant future. Helping your child develop a routine, from daily to weekly tasks, can help prepare them for school each day. Letting children lead and allowing them to have more control is empowering. Whether it is involving your child in designing their to-do lists or learning goals, it helps develop their love of learning.

Ownership can be implemented in little ways at first. For example, let your children have control of what bedtime stories they want to read with you. You can also allow older children to select where in the home they want to study in.

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