Nine ways to make assembly hour fun

Nine ways to make assembly hour fun

Getting up early in the morning and going to school has been a herculean task for children. Basically, it's a fight against time, you have to beat the clock which is ticking on your head -- first, running after a school bus and then the school assembly gathering. Well, almost every school-going kid does not like assembly activities.

School-going children are generally caught counting birds in the sky during assembly hours. Here's how to grab their attention:

1. Music speaks

Music needn’t be just used at the start of an assembly, it can form an integral part of each session. Children will listen and respond to a wide variety of musical genres – can they articulate their emotional response to a piece, or explain how the music links to the assembly theme?

2. Kids’ takeover

Getting the children up and involving them whenever you can is essential to holding their attention, beyond simply asking them to answer questions. They could perhaps help tell a story, hold props, have some input into deciding assembly themes across the term or even take the lead themselves via a ‘flipped assembly’ format.

3. Picture perfect

Picture books can be a great way of breaking down barriers when dealing with a wide age range. Younger children will be interested in the images, whilst older children can practise inference and explain how the moral of a given story relates to our everyday lives.

4. Keep it short

Key assembly themes can be built up across a term or even year, so there’s plenty of time to deepen children’s understanding over a longer period. Keep your assemblies fresh by making them short, snappy, and memorable. The children will be keener to participate and more likely to engage.

5. Whole school!

A general gathering of the whole school is the perfect opportunity to highlight schoolwide initiatives. Use assemblies as a launchpad for school improvement projects and take the children on the journey with you. Giving something like times tables a regular spotlight might be just what you need to focus children’s minds.

6. Speak passionately

Don’t shy away from the personal – children can tell when you’re speaking from the heart, and it makes them sit up and listen. Using stories and examples that are important to you will lend your presentation effortless enthusiasm, while also providing an important insight into your core values.

7. Change it up

Ask different members of your school community to contribute – children, teachers, and support staff may all have something to share with the school in their own unique way. Not everyone will feel confident when speaking publicly, but some will, and assemblies are a great way of getting people involved.

8. Keep it real

In a rapidly changing world, there will always be new topics to cover in your assemblies. Leave space in your planning to respond to national and international events or new trends in your school. The children will benefit from the opportunity to explore these as a group.

9. Stay dynamic

One size doesn’t fit all. and you might feel that you have a 'tried and tested' approach to your assembly, but it’s always worth experimenting from time to time. Ask other members of staff to sit in on some pupil conferencing afterwards, so you can keep track of what’s working for the pupils in your setting.

Flip your assembly

Conducting assemblies can build confidence and public speaking skills – so why not share the benefits with your pupils?
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