Vaginal wetness – Except for sex, was that moistness sweat, discharge, or urine?

Vaginal wetness – Except for sex, was that moistness sweat, discharge, or urine?

Ever wonder why you get wet when you’re feeling aroused? Or maybe you’re curious why you sometimes notice a feeling of wetness during the normal course of your day-to-day life? The first thing to know is that while some people naturally produce more vaginal lubrication than others, this wetness is completely normal in most scenarios, especially when it’s not accompanied by any other signs or symptoms that seem out of the ordinary.

Vaginal wetness is common when you’re feeling aroused, but what you may not have realized is that it’s also present when you’re not aroused. It’s actually normal to produce somewhere between one and four milliliters of vaginal fluid every day. The exact amount of fluid you produce each day will vary. This wetness helps keep your vagina clean and also provides lubrication to protect against tearing and injury. Here’s what else you need to know:

Even without sexual arousal, why am I wet down there? Why is the vagina reacting to something that isn’t sexual?

There are so many questions about wetness down there. More than often vaginal wetness is wrongly associated with sexual arousal. That’s not always the case. The moistness isn’t always arousal, but a scattered variety of things happening to your body without the sight or touch of men!

To start off, how wet you become depends upon hormones, age, sexual situations, mental health, medications, type of clothing, health conditions, perspiration levels, and stress. The vagina is a mucous membrane. This means the skin and tissue are always going to be moist. On an average, a healthy vagina produces 1-4 ml of vaginal discharge on daily basis. As ovulation comes closer, there’s more and more fluid produced and released.

So what is this fluid?

90% water + 1%vaginal salts + organic compounds + old cells + antibodies = Vaginal discharge!

Vaginal fluids or discharge may vary in color – creamy white, yellowish, grayish, or slightly pinkish. It may be difficult to determine what fluid comes out and you may have to make a run to the bathroom to check your undies for the truth.

Except for sex, was that moistness sweat, discharge, or urine?

Oops, you peed in your pants!

Sometimes when you laugh too hard or apply pressure in any way and there’s wetness down there, it’s called stress incontinence. During these times, unintentionally, due to sneezing, laughing, yawning, lifting something heavy, pressure is applied to the bladder and you find yourself letting out a few droplets of urine. This is a natural physiological occurrence and a situation that occurs unconsciously.

It’s all-natural

Cervical fluids are a natural bodily response indicating that the body, specifically vagina, is pushing out any probability of bacteria growth. Depending upon your cycle and hormones, the fluid texture and color may vary.

Hormones and age

Hormones play a big role in vaginal wetness. Higher estrogen levels lead to increased vaginal wetness, but as your body starts to produce less estrogen during menopause and afterwards, your body may not produce as much vaginal fluid, making your vagina drier.

Meanwhile, as you move through your menstrual cycle and ovulation approaches, your cervix produces more vaginal fluid, which plays an important role in helping sperm travel to an egg during the process of fertilization.


Sometimes you will feel more wet than usual if you have an infection such as bacterial vaginosis. The vaginal fluid helps to remove bacteria from the vaginal canal. Infections may also lead you to produce other types of vaginal discharge, which will vary in appearance depending on the type of infection. But if you notice any discharge that’s an abnormal color or smell, you’ll want to get in touch with your physician.

Birth control

Are you taking birth control pills? A change in the pill may also cause the whole cycle to go askew and in the bargain, a whole lot of vaginal discharge too. A fishy or rotten smell indicates you may want to immediately consult with your doctor for any kind of infection.


Hormonal birth control can alter your vaginal fluid production, leaving you more wet or dry than you’re used to when not taking the medication.

Vaginas sweat it out too

The vulva has numerous sweat and oil glands that keep your vagina wet. For best hygiene, especially in summers, wear cotton underwear to let the vagina breathe. Also wear a panty liner to keep embarrassment at bay.

Vaginal wetness is just the anatomy of the female body. The discharge is a healthy bodily function indicating ovulation and sexual arousal. Besides making it easier for sexual activity, vaginal fluids do the important job of cleaning and protecting the vagina. There are several ways to take care of your vagina to keep away bacterial infection and other diseases. Regularly washing your genitals, NOT with soap, but with mild and organic vaginal washes such as Imbue Intimate Hygiene Wash, is a great way to keep healthy down there.

Abnormal vaginal discharge on the other hand is an alarming indication usually caused by infection. Yeast infection, gonorrhea, Chlamydia, diabetes, consumption of antibiotics, and stress are the main concerns of abnormal discharge. Fever, unexplained weight loss, fatigue, increased urination are symptoms you should watch out for and keep a check on. If you have any concerns, with the type of discharge you may be experiencing, feel free to schedule a consultation with a doctor.

How do I know if I need to see a doctor?

Vaginal wetness is perfectly normal. In fact, in many cases, it’s a sign that your vagina is healthy. But there are a few signs and symptoms that let you know a trip to the doctor may be in order. Here are a few:
  • You have vaginal discharge that smells bad or appears different than what you’re used to.
  • You’re experiencing burning, itching, sensitivity, and/or pain in the vaginal area.
  • Your vaginal area is swollen.
  • You’ve been experiencing vaginal dryness.
  • You’ve started taking a new medication and have noticed that you’re more or less wet than usual.
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