Awesome tips to land a great job abroad

Awesome tips to land a great job abroad

Studying abroad is a pricey affair, but working alongside can help balance your everyday expenses well. All you need is a little planning and the right way to approach your prospective employers. Here’s a head start:

1. Plan ahead

Create a list of the kind of job you are looking at and the companies you want to apply to. This will give a clear idea of the workstream you are aiming at.

2. Optimise your online search

Learn to search online properly. There are many job search and networking websites such as LinkedIn, Indeed, AngelList, Seek, etc., which you can use for free and land a good job.

3. Don’t use generic CV formats

Try creating a personalized resume format to stand out from the other applicants. Ensure to mention your strengths, skills, and experience, if any, to add more weight to the application.

4. Apply directly online

Big organizations employ a lot of part-time and casual staff for a range of roles. You can find out about the vacant positions on their official websites under the ‘careers’ ‘jobs’ or ‘employment’ section. Some companies also list these opportunities under their ‘about us’ or ‘news’ tab.

5. Be on the lookout

It is a smart move to keep an eye on the local companies in your host country that hire casuals during breaks. This can include fast food joints, department stores, retail outlets, and even cafes.

Bonus tip

Don’t restrict your work opportunities based on your degree or location. It is wise to stay open to other places open to recruiting skilled international employees like you. Feel free to apply for jobs outside the purview of our field of study if you find it interesting or feel passionate about it.

6. Follow up with companies

Don’t sit around waiting for the employers to respond for weeks. Try to follow up on every application sent with a call or an email, but do not overdo to bother a potential employer.

7. Seek assistance from your university’s career centre

Reach out to your university’s career support centre for help. The staff has knowledge about various vacancies, job fairs, and skill-building workshops that could be of great help to you. Some centres also offer resume assistance to create a great one for you besides guiding you at every step of the way.

8. Socialize, it always helps

Start building your network early during your studies as it can prove to be very handy when looking for jobs. A great head start is joining various communities and participating in meetups to network and meet more people.

9. Build ‘you’ as a brand

Having a good online presence is crucial for employers today. Make sure all your social profiles exude professionalism. Try to blog if possible about topics from your field of study to show your potential employers.

10. Start early, get a job before the semester ends

It is wise to look for a job before your semester ends. With this, you can save the wait time and have a job before you even complete your studies or begin the session break.
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