How to Find Freelance Writing Jobs as a Newbie (Beginner)

How to Find Freelance Writing Jobs as a Newbie (Beginner)

Have you ever thought of working from home but didn’t know where to start? Well, you are not alone because I have been there too, and in fact, every established writer out there has been there too. I am going to tell you how to kick start your freelance writing journey and make it.

I remember when I left my first job and started looking for freelance writing opportunities.  I’m not telling you to leave yours now. I had a backup plan and you should too before you quit in case you are thinking in that direction. I had gotten the idea of working from home from a friend of mine who used to do it part-time. She was working for another guy who dealt with academic writing.

My first freelance writing Gig

After persuading her to introduce me to this guy, she finally agreed. I got my very first freelance writing training from this guy which was majorly on academic writing. He taught me various academic writing styles, punctuation and grammar tools, sentence structure, and so on. I am always very grateful to this guy.

After writing for him for a while, I decided to look for better opportunities on the internet since this guy was paying peanuts. That is how I landed on which was later changed to Elance was a gold mine to me (I haven’t tried Upwork though). I would get various legit jobs like article writing, article re-writing, e-book writing, etc. I loved it ’cause I felt these were more legit jobs than academic writing which was against my ethics. I got great clients there and that is how I grew my freelance writing career.

Now let me give you pointers on how you can find freelance writing jobs as a beginner till you become perfect on the trade.

1. Work under someone

The first thing I did when I wanted to join the freelance writing career was to look for someone to train me as I work. The training lasted only a few days then I started getting work to do. These guys don’t always pay much but it’s worth giving a try because of what you get in return. Most people will tell you that they offer training at a fee with guaranteed employment after the training but this isn’t always true. So you need to do your research well beforehand. If possible, get a trainer through referral. This way you’ll be sure that you are getting the right person to train you.

I don’t recommend paying for freelance writing training. You can ask to write as you train. This way the person will be able to use your writing for their clients, or their blog as they also offer you the training. So it’s like you are paying for the paying with your written work.

2. Join a job board or a freelance writing marketplace

A job board is a platform where employers advertise their freelancing jobs for writers to apply. There are various job boards depending on the type of freelance writing that you want to do. Academic freelance writing jobs normally pay well compared to article writing and transcription. You could pursue academic writing if you do not have any ethical issues with it.

The good thing about job boards is that they help you gain confidence as a new freelancer. Job boards also have quality and consistent work.

Below is a list of some job boards and freelance writing marketplaces where you can pitch and bid for work;

  • All freelance writing job board
  • Contena
  • BloggingPro
  • Problogger
  • Upwork

3. Cold Pitching

Cold pitching is when you contact employers directly through their websites e.g. bloggers, companies, magazines, to introduce yourself and the services you offer. Trust me, I’ve never tried this, but I hear it’s one of the best ways to get quality recurring jobs.

There’s less competition when you cold pitch, hence giving you a better chance at landing a direct client, and most direct clients pay really well.

I know you are asking yourself, how do you cold pitch? Don’t worry, I’ll tell you.

The first step to cold pitching is identifying where to send your pitch. Locate a website that needs writers, a company or business that needs a website (if they have none, or if their website needs improvement and you think you can help them), and so on. Once you have located your target, draft a pitch to send to them. A pitch is like an application form. Something you use to introduce yourself and what you offer. Capitalize on what you can do to help them solve a problem. And ensure you include who you are, how and where you found them, and what you do to help them.

4. Offer Free Guest Posting

What? Do you mean you want me to write for free? And how will that even help me? Well, yes, you read it write. Don’t always give money the front seat. Look at the opportunities ahead. See, when you guest post on a popular website, it is guaranteed that your post will be viewed by thousands and thousands of people. Some of these people may turn out to be potential clients.

Moreover, it’s easier to pitch on job boards when you have some of your writing out there that you can quote as samples. Especially if the writing is on another person’s website. It’s normally a bit harder getting clients on job boards when you have no samples to showcase – though not entirely impossible.

So how do you find a website to guest post? The best bet would be to use the search engine. Just go to google and type “your niche + write for us”.

Once you get the results, choose the ones you like and send your pitch. Remember to follow their guidelines for guest posting.

5. Join Facebook freelance writing groups

There are numerous writing groups out there on Facebook. Joining a couple or so will propel your writing career. You will be interacting with potential clients on a day-to-day basis on Facebook once you join these groups. Some clients actually post jobs on these Facebook groups and if you are lucky to land one then you are good to go. you only need to be careful not to fall for scams. There are some people who pretend to be offering jobs but once you write for them, they never pay you.  Be careful of such and you’ll be good to go.

I hope these tips were of great help to you as you start your freelance writing journey.  Be sure top als0 check out my tip on how to start a successful blogging business. Feel free to leave a comment or ask a question. I’ll be glad to respond. Cheers!

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