How to Scale up Your Acting Career in Kenya

How to Scale up Your Acting Career in Kenya

If you’re an aspiring actor, the thought of breaking into the business and becoming part of a groundbreaking film or TV show probably makes you dream about the day you ditch your day job to walk the red carpet. But if you have zero experience, you may have no idea how to even begin.

If you really want to pursue an acting career, there’s no one perfect way to make the leap from aspiring actor to professional actor. But there are some actions you can take to help you blaze your own trail.

Over the last few years, the art of acting in Kenya has really evolved. More upcoming actors have become more driven to nurture and embrace acting as a career. It is worth noting that in order for one to kick start a career in acting a lot of aspects need to be taken into consideration. A lingering question for most aspiring actors is yes it is true that they want to become great actors but how do they start the journey. Well, here are a few tips on how one can scale up a career in acting.

Acting Classes

Even though this is not a mandatory requirement for the ones who have an upper hand in terms of experience and being given a go-ahead by casting agents it is a good platform for acquiring more skills. By attending an acting class one can be able to understand and gain acting skills. Acting in Kenya is indeed evolving but despite this, there are fewer institutions offering courses in acting. Few Universities in Kenya do offer courses in Creative Arts and Theatre. One institution that fully offers courses in acting is Hollywood Acting Master Class (HAMC) Nairobi founded by Lorella Jowi an Upcoming director in the film industry in Kenya. 


Now if you want to learn more about acting in Kenya and network a good place to visit will be the Kenya National Theatre. Here you will get to interact with like-minded people, get to meet some other actors and get some inspiration and lastly through networking you will manage to get useful contacts.


Regardless of how you look at it or go about it, auditions are the only way through in this industry. Therefore as a determined actor, you should try to attend as many auditions as you can. Indeed this is the most challenging step for actors as the act of getting through in an audition can be tough. However, if acting is what you want then you will pursue it regardless and continue doing as many auditions as possible.

Promote Yourself

In order to kick start your acting career, you need to let people know of your intentions. To do this you should market yourself effectively. Create a resume and advertise to the maximum. In this era of social media, you can easily steer up your acting career. You never know who is watching and by luck, you might just get that call. So work on this with utmost dedication.

Invest In Your Acting Career

To achieve a goal you need to invest your time and energy towards attaining it. In this case, to become a great actor you will need to invest your time in improving your skills. If it requires you to take up an extra skill then so be it. As it is the industry is competitive and hence the more skillful you are the better chance you get.

Never Give Up

You may go through a series of auditions without being successful but do not give up the more you try, your chance is right there waiting for you. So to scale up your acting career, continue pushing on, set new goals, and set to attain them. In this industry, you never give up.
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