TSC Teacher Profile Update Guide

TSC Teacher Profile Update Guide

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) expects all teachers to update their profiles, online. In case you have not updated your profile, then you have no reason to worry as this article will guide you. Update your profile at the TSC Online Portal by following the steps below, here.

Profile Updating Process.

To update your profile;

  • Visit the TSC online portal by using the link; https://tsconline.tsc.go.ke/register/update-profile. You will see the window below;
  • Now, Fill in the following details and Click Next Page Button to Continue: ID Number/Passport Number, Tsc Number, Surname as per Registration Certificate and Your Phone Number.
  • Please enter the 4-digit verification code sent by TSC via SMS: This code enables the Commission to ensure that it is the respective teacher filling the online form before it updates your profile. Enter the code in the window below and click ‘verify’. In the event you failed to receive the code, select ‘send code again’. The code is a four-digit number.

Top of Form


Bottom of Form

Didn’t receive the code?
‘Send code again’

TSC SMS verification code.

  • Proceed to edit your application. The following basic details will be required. Most details have been pre-loaded for you. Click ‘Next’ once done. You will see the success message ‘Your basic details have been updated, proceed to upload other documents’.
  • The following details are required:
Tableizer using codebeautify.org
S/N Basic Detail
1 ID No/Passport
2 Other Name (Optional)
3 First Name
4 surname
5 Kra Pin
6 Religion
7 Date of Birth
8 Gender
9 Mobile Number
10 Nationality
11 Home County
12 Home Sub county
13 Division
14 Zone
15 Constituency
16 Constituency
17 Impairment type
18 Permanent Post Address
19 Permanent Post Code
20 Permanent Town
21 Current Post Address
22 Current Post Code
23 Current Town
  • In the new window, you will update your Academic Qualifications Details. You will also be expected to upload a Minimum of 3 documents and a Maximum of 4. To update a document, click ‘choose file’. Locate the appropriate file in your storage and double-click on it to upload it automatically. Click ‘save documents’ every time you upload a document. Repeat this process until you upload all the required documents.
  • Below is the window for capturing your academic qualifications.

How to capture your academic qualification details.

Academic Qualifications Details

Top of Form

Institution Type

Institution Name





Cert No

Cert Year


Save Documents Back Next

Bottom of Form

  • Click ‘Next’ until you complete the process.

Required Documents 

Ensure you have scanned the following documents and you can access them.

  1. ID or Passport in pdf
  2. KRA PIN Certificate in pdf.
  3. Passport Photo-(All in one pdf)
  4. Kenya Certificate of  Primary Education (KCPE) in pdf
  5. Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) in pdf
  6. Your Certificate from Tertiary Institution; Diploma, Degree or PGDE in pdf
  7. Transcripts-(All in one pdf)
  8. An Affidavit (in case there is a mismatch of your names in your documents). in pdf.

Summary of the Documents





ID/Passport-(All in one pdf)

National Identity Card


Transcript-(All in one pdf)

Your Tertiary level transcripts


KRA PIN Certificate

KRA PIN Certificate


Passport Photo-(All in one pdf)

Your Clear Passport Size photo

Professional Background

have the following details before you start filling your academic qualification section:








Certificate No.

Cert. Year







Important Notes for Teachers (TSC Accepts only soft copy documents).

  1. All sections of this online form MUST be completed in full.
  2. Please fill in all the required information.
  3. It is a serious offence to willfully give false information to the Teachers Service Commission. The law provides that any person convicted of the offence may be fined up to Ksh 100,000 or imprisoned for Twelve (12) months or both (Section 44 of TSC Act No. 20 of 2012).
  4. You can save part of this form and complete it on a later time if necessary.
  5. Scan and Upload Only the  Required Documents:
  • Only certified copies of original documents should be scanned and uploaded.
  • For Expatriate Teachers, attach a letter of clearance from the Ministry of Education Vetting Committee.
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