Freelance writing is day by day growing as an industry. Writers in Kenya can keep their inspiration high and grasp this chance to become a Freelance Writer. Kenyan writers are recognized all across the world.

Types of academic writing

There are many types of writing and as a writer, one may be given a task to write atopic related to one of the types below

Descriptive writing- It is a type of writing that tells the reader facts and describes them widely in detail.

Analytical writing- It is a type of writing that analyzes the topic and talks about it deeper and deeper so the reader can understand it from many different perspectives.

Persuasive writing- It is a type that convinces a reader to believe and the stated facts in the article written.

Critical writing-It is a type of writing that shows the writer’s wide and opinionated understanding of the topic he/ she is talking about.

Why you should go for an academic writing job

•It teaches one to be more articulate with writing.

•It enables a person to be able to contribute to someone’s learning as they are writing for people who are going to read their work.

•It pays and most of the jobs give one a sense of self-justification as they are doing a great job.

•It is a great skill and would look good on your curriculum vitae in the future.

•It builds one and contributes to their personal growth.

•It is a great step towards learning and improving ones’ education.

•It is a tool that people use to teach others.

•You work from where you want and at your convenience.

What you need to become a great academic writer

  1. Good English skills- One needs to be a great English speaker and fluent too. It will come in handy when given tasks and assignments by clients. You will be able to do tasks without so many hurdles like poor language skills, not being able to understand the clients’ tasks and analyze their specific wants then deliver them.
  2. Typing skills – You need to be able to type the tasks given and in a situation where you have a strict deadline, fast typing skills will save you. Also, they should be good typing skills that ensure your task is error-free.
  3. Fluent speaker- As we all know, what you speak is what you write. Being a good speaker shows that what you put down on paper is also good.
  4. An avid learner- One needs to be able to want to learn the skill of academic writing to be good at it. Start learning the skill with great enthusiasm and the experience will be fulfilling and wonderful for you.
  5. Confidence- One needs to be confident in themselves while doing the tasks. Writing without confidence will produce poor work which will end up not being accepted and paid for.
  6. Researching skills- Every client who might hire you in the future want and give specific rules as to how you should write for them. Therefore, being able to look and put down the clients’ specifications into the task requires one to have good researching skills. They require a writer who can analyze the tasks, research further, and write an article with knowledge and facts for them.

How does academic writing affect a person?

•Writing stimulates ones’ brain as they are thinking. Thinking awakens certain parts of the brain and when that happens, the brain grows and one becomes smarter.

•One grows and learns more as they write more knowledgeable content and in the process, they learn what they write.

•An academic writer is likely to have better memory compared to an average person. That is because they do activities that engage their brain and memory retention.

•Being an academic writer makes a person smarter and more intelligent.

Things to keep in mind as an academic writer

•Do not fail to meet your clients’ specifications as they will be disappointed in you and may never hire you again.

•Make sure you meet the deadlines you are given and never submit late.

•Work on your skills and sentences so that when you are given tasks you don’t make errors.

•Communicate with your clients how you want to be paid and how much you want to be paid for your job.

•Always be open-minded and accept all tasks you are given no matter how hard they may seem.

•It is normal for a task given to be revoked and you could learn from the mistakes you did and become a better writer.

Where to get academic writing jobs

-Referrals- Friends or people you know might recommend you to clients or give you connections you need to start your academic writing journey.

-Sites on the internet- Currently, one can go to google and search for writing jobs and get links and websites with available opportunities.

-Publishing houses-  Publishers may hire a writer to write them short assignments or tasks and they may publish if well done. Maybe contributions to books with many short stories and you will be recognized for your participation.

-Magazines- One may get writing jobs from the magazines for articles that are going to be published in the education sectors for their reader.

-Schools- One can get jobs from schools that aim to show and teach students the different types of writing. Therefore, they tend to want to show writes from different writers and different perspectives. It enables the students to understand and see the wide scope of writing.

-Bloggers- You may get jobs from bloggers who need articles to put up on their websites. This may also pave the way for your career when people learn that you are the genius behind the well-written article.

Before embarking on this journey, it is advisable to look at it from all the many different perspectives. It comes with many good advantages and is going to be the decision you will have made in a long time

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