Name Tattoos are Popular… Until They Aren’t

Name Tattoos are Popular… Until They Aren’t

It’s one of those things that most people live to regret. It’s the bud of a lot of bad jokes. Sometimes, it has a great love story behind it, but it can sometimes turn into its very own horror story. So, if you’re rethinking or dealing with the unhappiness of tattooing a romantic partner’s name on your body, do know that you aren’t alone and aren’t without options for help. In fact, name removal is one of the most common requests when it comes to tattoo removals.

Why is getting a name tattoo such a bad idea? What happens if I’ve already given way to this bad idea? Are there options to undo unwanted ink? Let’s answer all your questions.

At the moment, it's human nature to believe current love is the best love. We want to believe in love’s longevity and that our partners are infallible. As a binding show of this belief, we turn to ways to reflect our own lasting commitment to that person and relationship, such as by tattooing the partner’s name on our body.

While a nice sentiment in theory, the reality is that people, love, and life itself are intrinsically fickle. Nothing has the promise of tomorrow. Assuming that anything is infallible and that the truths of today will be the same for tomorrow inevitably leads to regrets.

Likewise, many in struggling relationships turn to grandiose gestures to prove their love and/or add a sense of permanence to what they feel they’re losing. Just as getting pregnant doesn’t save a failing relationship, neither will inking your partner’s name on your skin.

Of course, there’s also the invite for bad karma, luck, or omen in getting someone’s name tattooed on your body. Just as many fans have noticed that celebrity couples doing reality TV is the kiss of death to those relationships, many tattoo artists will tell you that inking a partner’s name on your body is the kiss of death to your relationship.

There are a lot of unlucky superstitions surrounding name tattoos. Believe them or not, but there’s one hard fact about this type of tattoo that simply can’t be swiped away as myth. Statistics show that over 30% of people with a partner’s name tattooed on them regret getting that ink.

The bottom line is that the most commonly regretted tattoo isn’t misinterpretations or constellation tats… it’s getting someone else’s name inked on your body.

If you’re considering this type of ink, think about three causes and effects beforehand:

1. Relationships Can End

No matter how much you love your significant other today, the simple fact is that relationships end. Sometimes they disintegrate over years and sometimes they end suddenly.

Oftentimes, they end because of external factors like one partner having a stressful job or traveling for months at a time. This sort of stuff generally isn’t in your control, so even if you pledge your undying love today, it doesn’t mean it’s going to last forever like your tattoo could.

You also need to keep in mind that your partner may be the one to end the relationship. Just because you plan on loving them forever doesn’t mean you can make them do the same.

2. Painful Tattoo, Painful Reminder

They say that love hurts, and when you have that significant other’s name tattooed on your body, you’ll definitely feel like that sentiment is true. What’s worse than the pain of being tattooed? Seeing a constant reminder of your former love after the thrill is gone!

If you have your ink in a prominent location like on your finger, over your heart, or on your bicep, you’ll likely notice every single day. That doesn’t sound like a recipe for moving on with a positive attitude; does it? Why let past disappointments bring you down? 

3. Don’t Jinx It!

Whether you’re in a new relationship or you’ve been with your partner for years, those tattooed with their ex-lover’s names will tell you that being tattooed in the way you’re thinking about is just asking for trouble. Some even say that a name tattoo is like putting a hex or a jinx on an otherwise steady relationship.

Sure, this might seem a little silly, but the fact is that a name tattoo can make your partner and you think about the nature of your relationship before it’s really time to do so. What was once a fun, enjoyable relationship headed in the right direction can immediately become way too serious for some people once you have their name tattooed on your body. Your “I love you forever” tattoo may be interpreted as a form of manipulation.  It often seems to scream “Don’t leave me – ever!”

Could there be anything worse than having the name of your partner tattooed on your body, only for them to dump you a week later? At least hold off until they’ve signed those marriage papers and you know they can’t just walk out the door – at least not without hiring a lawyer first!

Options For Regretted Ink

You aren’t without options if the above tips came too late for you and an ex’s name is already in place. Whether you’ve just ended a long-term relationship that you thought was your forever, have a hurtful symbolic name tattoo of lost love, or even have multiple names across your body, tattoo laser removal is an option to correct your regrets and help you move on to a clean slate.

With laser tattoo removal, you have several corrective options, including:

  1. Full Removal – This allows you to get rid of all evidence of an unwanted tattoo, leaving you with clear skin to keep as open space or as the future site of new ink.
  2. Partial Removal – This allows you the flexibility to create a new tattoo from the old one, which is great for ink that you want to clean up before using it as a starting point for a transformation tattoo.
  3. Removal For Cover-up – This allows you to lighten up your existing tattoo so that it can be covered up by a new tattoo.

Final Word - Opt for Symbolism Instead

If you must show your love to your partner through ink, why do you have to use their name? The truth is that’s really one of the least-creative things you can do when being tattooed.

Instead, consider a symbol or design that is significant to you and your partner. At least that way you won’t have to immediately go in for tattoo removal if your relationship ends poorly.

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