Ways you can defend yourself against HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases


Here's a short checklist of ways you can defend yourself against HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases:

Use a condom every time you have vaginal, oral, or anal sex. 

It can be easy to get caught up in the heat of the moment, so be prepared. Keep one in your purse or your nightstand. Besides abstinence, male and female condoms are the only method of protection against sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy. But you should take it one step further and use dual protection, which means using a condom and a hormonal form of birth control for maximum protection. Condoms may not be enough to prevent you from getting pregnant. Visit your local clinic and see if you can pick up some condoms for free and talk to a health care provider about your hormonal birth control options.

Get tested for HIV

It's the only way to know your status. Ask your partner to get tested, too. And know their status before engaging in sexual activity. If you feel embarrassed about asking them to get tested, think of it this way: Not knowing their status puts you at risk. So set a date and get tested together.

Be monogamous. 

Being in a sexual relationship with only one partner who is also faithful to you can help protect you.

Don't abuse drugs or alcohol. 

Using drugs or drinking too much may lead to risky sex, such as unprotected sex or sex with a partner whose status you don't know. It can also put you at risk for sexual assault.

Talk to your doctor about PrEP or PEP

If you think you've been exposed to HIV or you're in a sexual relationship with a person living with HIV, your doctor can prescribe post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) or pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to protect you from getting the virus.

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