Ways to help your man overcome premature ejaculation

premature ejaculation
When a man discharges semen sooner than expected during sexual intercourse, it is known as premature ejaculation. It is a common hurdle married couples face. When it happens frequently, it can significantly affect a couple’s sexual encounters and overall satisfaction.

What’s more, it can emasculate a husband and cause feelings of embarrassment and inadequacy to build up. 

What causes premature ejaculation?

According to MayoClinic, it can be caused by a variety of psychologically related factors, like early sexual experiences, erectile dysfunction, poor self or body image, depression, anxiety, guilt, or history of sexual abuse.

It also helps to know whether there are emotional issues that keep your husband from being in control in bed. Aside from psychological causes, physical risk factors are abnormal hormone levels or brain chemicals. It can also be an inherited condition.

If a man’s urethra or prostate is inflamed, they’re also more at risk for this condition.

Premature ejaculation and fertility

Premature ejaculation doesn’t just cause strain on a relationship, it can affect a couple’s ability to conceive because often, ejaculation happens too early and thus does not occur intravaginally.

The role of p0rn and masturbation

Sheila Gregoire, author of The Good Girl’s Guide to Great Sex, shares that premature ejaculation is common during a man’s first sexual encounter, which usually happens in their teens or early 20s. This type of sexual dysfunction can be traced to dependence on viewing p0rn or masturbating frequently.

If your husband suffers from premature ejaculation, there are steps to helping him through it. See them below

Wives whose husbands suffer from this are advised, to address the root of the problem. Encouraging them to stop watching p0rn and masturbation helps them become more easily aroused and in control during intercourse.

Playing the “stop and start game” also works, according to Gregoire. To do this, track his level of arousal throughout foreplay by asking him to rate it on a scale of 1 to 10. By the time he reaches 6 or 7, stop intercourse. After this ask him to pleasure you for a few seconds. Then start over. This practice of prolonging the pleasure and delaying orgasm helps some couples regain control of intimacy.

Another version of this game you could try is starting to make love, then stopping to pleasure him alone. Gregoire also recommends having a quickie during the day to make arousal and orgasm easier at night.

We hope these tips help both you and your husband improve intimacy!
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