How Can I Stop Unwanted Emails

How Can I Stop Unwanted Emails

Do you receive piles of annoying spam emails in your inbox?  This problem is widespread, and you can clear them up completely.  Spam emails can have security risks, phishing instruments, and jumble your inbox.

Furthermore, approximately 85% of emails sent daily are spam aggregating to 122 billion. In recent years, spam emails from authorized businesses dwindled, and the majority are now from fraudsters and thieves.

What Are The Common Types of Unwanted Emails

  • Spam emails: These emails are typically sent in a significant number to subscribers for advertising purposes. Spam emails are also junk mail.
  • Involuntary or accidental subscriptions: If you are using an app or website for the first time, the system may have particular strategies to perplex and convince you to get more messages.
  • Phishing emails: These spiteful messages impersonate promotional messages but carry software that secretively installs themselves on your phone or computer. The malware can gather your confidential information and activities and use them for atrocities like identity theft.
  • No sender emails: These are generally due to system malfunction and label themselves as “no sender” or “no subject.”

Why Am I Getting These Emails

The following are the principal reasons you are getting spam emails:

  • You mistakenly subscribed to a business’ circular
  • You have displayed your email address on a public assembly or website
  • A firm having your email information suffered a data breach
  • You selected on a spam email before
  • You handed your email to questionable websites

How Can I Stop Getting Unwanted Emails

  1. Carefully read the Terms and Conditions in the small print of applications and web pages.
  2. Make sure to subscribe to legitimate businesses and websites. Esteemed companies do not send spam emails to subscribers and hardly engage in data infringement.
  3. Do not communicate with spammers, even though how tempted you may be, to ask them to quit sending you emails.
  4. Make use of a throwaway email.  Most technologically proficient persons have a separate email from their ones. Therefore, in case of security risks, you can desert this address without causing a risk to your private accounts.
  5. Do not disclose your email on general websites or groups. Fraudsters are consistently on the hunt for easily accessible emails on the internet, and you may restrict email access.
  6. Install cybersecurity software that protects and alerts your device from malware.
  7. Block spam emails on Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, Outlook, iPhone, and AOL.

How to Block Emails on Gmail

Web Browser

  1. Select the spam email
  2. Select the three-dot icon set at the top right
  3. Click “Block”


  1. Select the spam email
  2. Select the three-dot icon set at the top right
  3. Click “Block Sender”

How to Block Emails on iPhone

  1. Go to the Mail app
  2. Select the spam email
  3. Click the sender’s name
  4. Select the address named beside “From” in the header
  5. Select “Block This Contact”
  6. Check that you wish to block the address

How to Block Emails on Outlook

Web Browser

  1. Select the spam email
  2. Select the three-dot icon set at the top right
  3. Click “Block”


  1. Select the spam email
  2. Click the three dots set at the top right
  3. Tap “Move To Spam”


  1. Right-click on the spam email
  2. Select “Junk” > “Block Sender”

How to Block Emails on Yahoo

Web Browser

  1. Open the spam email
  2. Select the three dots at the top
  3. Tap “Block Sender”


  1. Select the menu at the top left
  2. Click “Tools” > “Filters”
  3. Select the “+” at the top right
  4. Pick a title for the filter
  5. Block the spam email

How to Block Emails on Hotmail

  1. Select “Home” > “Parameter” > “View All Outlook Settings”
  2. Select “Email” > “Junk Email” > “Filters”
  3. Fill in the sender’s name

How to Block Emails on AOL

  1. Select “Options/Mail Settings”
  2. Select “Blocked Senders”
  3. Type the address you wish to block
  4. Tap the “+” icon
  5. Tap “Save Settings”

What Should I Do If I Receive A Suspicious Email

The best way to safeguard your device from spammers is to ignore suspicious messages. In addition, do not tap on any undisclosed links, folders, or attachments, as this will save your data and computer from malware risks.

Besides, if you get an email from a trusted individual and you are hesitant about the link or file, the best course to take is to call them or drive the link through cybersecurity software

Before replying to the email, be aware not to fall into the phishing trap. Some examples may be inexpert-looking headlines such as warnings and haste for money.

However, note that selecting unsubscribe may not be the best option for receiving a suspicious email. This action notifies fraudsters that your email address is active and that individuals acquire their information. Hence, these scammers may flood your inbox with more emails from additional unblocked accounts.

Thus, it is better to mark anonymous emails as junk and erase them.

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