How to get noticed on LinkedIn

How to get noticed on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is an application that enables professionals to connect, network, and build their careers by creating a profile. Just like any other application on the internet where people socialize, LinkedIn allows one to connect with people in the same career path and beyond but by indicating their qualifications and skills. Job seekers get to post their qualifications in their specific fields while employers get to post job opportunities and internships.

The application further allows professionals to know the skills required for certain employment positions as well as encourages career growth since the users get to connect with people with vast experience in their professions.

This is because it accommodates everyone including students, users on internships, those on their first jobs, and those with many years of experience. But just like all other social media channels, Linkedin can be a bit “noisy” making it difficult to stand out. This article will help you understand various ways you can maneuver around your profile to stand out;

Upload a professional picture 

The first thing a person looks at when visiting your profile is the face behind the name. Choose a photo that represents you and your profession best. Always ensure your profile picture is not blank because people tend to view profiles of people they can see. Avoid uploading a pixilated picture for your profile. Choose one that is clear, appealing to the eyes, and professional because it affects the opportunities that come your way. For instance, you should wear business casual attire, put your head straight and use correct facials when posing for the professional picture of your LinkedIn profile.

The summary section

It is considered one of the most important sections on LinkedIn since the user gets to indicate their professional objectives and achievements by recruiters. This is the section where you talk about your skills, interests, and experience in your career path.

Highlight your educational background

When you add the schools you went to, you make it easier for recruiters, your former schoolmates, and classmates to find you in their searches. Make sure you complete filling this section of your profile accurately for you to stand out. With this done, jobs will come looking for you rather than the obvious.


State your Industry

According to LinkedIn, many users search profiles on the application centered on a specific industry daily. LinkedIn can connect you with articles and job listings from your specialization when you list the industry you are in or would love to venture into.

Indicate your current position

Always state your current work title and the company you are working for to show your professional trajectory to recruiters. Having an outdated work title usually implies a lack of seriousness in one’s online professional presence. Therefore it is vital since it shows recruiters that you are active on the site and being reached whenever there is an opening is easier.

Join groups

LinkedIn groups allow you to network with other people in your field or industry but most importantly, give you an opportunity to increase your visibility by joining the discussions.  Try to contribute as much as possible in your field in these groups.

Regularly update your status

Linkedin is an amazing job search tool but only works as far as your efforts go. Make sure you are updating your status as often as possible as it will increase the chances of getting noticed by your contacts.

Add your skills

Apart from your professional qualifications, it is important to add your skills to your profile. The skills may include public speaking, negotiation skills, storytelling among others because there are employers who look for such skills in a potential employee.

Highlight your location

This is by stating where you are currently based. The country and city you work in are important since recruiters search by location and it will increase your visibility to potential employers.

Lastly, you need to engage in conversations posted by other users, share articles as well as engage your connections on your timeline to increase your online professional visibility.

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