See How to Reduce the Visibility of a C-Section Scar

How Can I Reduce the Visibility of a C-Section Scar

You’ve had a baby, congratulations! While motherhood comes with enormous perks and rewards, some of the permanent markings left on our bodies after pregnancy can get you down.

Firstly, if you have a c-section scar, you should see it as a testament to your bravery and your commitment to motherhood. And almost 32% of mothers will have a scar as a result of this surgery. But we understand if you’d rather it was less prominent, especially during bikini season.

So what can you do to help it fade? Some tricks can be completed from home and other options that a dermatologist can help you with.

Take Care of Your Overall Health

Your scar has to properly heal to give you the best odds of fading it later on. During the healing process, self-care is vital.

There’s nothing you can do to reduce the appearance of your C-section scar until you’re fully healed. So step 1: give your body a headstart on mending itself.

This includes a healthy diet rich in protein. Your skin will need all the nutrients it can have to heal quickly and thoroughly. Don’t forget to drink your water – hydrated skin will have a healthier appearance overall.

Also, go easy on cigarettes and alcohol. Smoking can cripple the skin’s ability to regenerate and can make scarring worse. Alcohol, as well as caffeine, can also dehydrate cells and stagnate the healing process.

Exercise is helpful, but only after a certain point. Follow your doctor’s advice on when you can safely resume physical activity without running the risk of reopening your incision.

Use Doctor-Approved Topical Treatments

Some ointments and creams can be highly beneficial for healing and getting your skin back to normal. But some products out there have gimmicky and unfounded claims. You won’t find any “miracle creams” on the shelf at the drugstore and should remain dubious of those ‘before and after’ promos on Facebook.

Your doctor might advise you to use petroleum jelly or antibiotic creams on your healing scar, but get their clearance before adding anything to your regimen. One other thing they will advise? Sunscreen.

High SPF sunscreens are a good idea for anyone, including those who don’t want their scars to get worse. Scars are often sensitive to the sun, and dark ones can be made darker by exposure to UVA rays.

Consult With a Dermatologist About Prescription Strength Products

Some scar fading products can be a bit misleading, but that doesn’t mean you won’t find something helpful in a bottle. You’ll need a doctor and their prescription pad to get it. They work better than OTC products because they’re stronger and use FDA-approved formulas.

Topical treatments like Biocorneum can offer visible results in scar reduction. The innovative SilishieldⓇ technology in Biocorneum helps give your skin cells an extra kick. It can optimize scar healing and reduction in scar visibility. It can also reduce the appearance of raised, aka hypertrophic scars.

Take Expert Advice

Whether you’re working to heal your scar at home, or want something a little more powerful to assist in reducing your C-Section scar, a trained professional is the best person to guide you. For a prescription-strength upgrade to your scar-fading routine, contact a dermatologist who can provide you with the best options available.
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