Careers at Amazon – Guide to Get Started

Careers at Amazon – Guide to Get Started

This article provides you an utmost details on how to get a job in Amazon company, what are the amazon interview process, Interview questions, amazon interview preparation tips, and more relevant facts to crack Amazon interview.

Amazon Company

Amazon is everywhere! It’s one of the most famous firms on the earth. Amazon’s innovation is exceptional and its worth over one thousand billion dollars and growing skyrocketing.

Amazon is more than an e-trade platform, it’s also a titan supplying, digital streaming, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and plenty more. Its employees over 1.2 million globally in roles that range from operations staff to information architects.

Amazon ranks #2 on Forbes World’s Best Employers list 2020

If you are passionate to resume amazon career, you landed the right place. Here, you will be having all the necessary factors that must be known to become an Amazonian. Also grab insights on how to get a job as fresher or experienced professional in Amazon company .

How to Get a job in amazon company?

Amazon is a huge company with thousands of job openings all over the world. Its quite tough to search your suitable job opportunity within the organization. Thus, the amazon job site provides different search filter options to find the precise one. Below are the examples of those.

What are the different job categories at Amazon?

Amazon is continually expanding its wings to new stretches. The more Amazon grows, the greater jobs they add in their list. Such a way, Amazon has 34 different job categories in their list as follows.

You can find jobs in amazon by analyzing the job category that you are falling under. This method makes easy to land your appropriate job search in Amazon company.

  1. Administrative Support
  2. Amazon Design
  3. Audio / Video / Photography Production
  4. Business & Merchant Development
  5. Business Intelligence
  6. Buying, Planning, & Instock Management
  7. Customer Service
  8. Data Science
  9. Database Administration
  10. Economics
  11. Editorial, Writing, & Content Management
  12. Facilities, Maintenance, & Real Estate
  13. Finance and Global Business Services
  14. Fulfillment & Operations Management
  15. Hardware Development
  16. Human Resources
  17. Investigation & Loss Prevention
  18. Leadership Development & Training
  19. Legal
  20. Machine Learning Science
  21. Marketing
  22. Medical, Health, & Safety
  23. Operations, IT, & Support Engineering
  24. Project/Program/Product Management–Non-Tech
  25. Project/Program/Product Management–Technical
  26. Public Policy
  27. Public Relations & Communications
  28. Research Science
  29. Sales, Advertising, & Account Management
  30. Software Development
  31. Solutions Architect
  32. Supply Chain/Transportation Management
  33. Systems, Quality, & Security Engineering
  34. Warehouse and Shopper

How to find job in different Amazon Company business units?

Similar to job category you have an option to search amazon jobs by various business units. Currently, the amazon job has 26 job teams are as follows.

  1. Advertising
  2. Amazon Alexa
  3. Amazon Books
  4. Amazon Customer Service
  5. Amazon Devices
  6. Amazon Fresh
  7. Amazon Go
  8. Amazon Web Services
  9. Business & Corporate Development
  10. Consumer Engagement
  11. Consumer Payments
  12. Customer Trust and Partner Support
  13. Digital Entertainment
  14. eCommerce Foundation
  15. Finance and Global Business Services
  16. Fulfillment & Operations
  17. Human Resources
  18. Kindle Content
  19. Legal
  20. Marketplace
  21. Operations Technology
  22. Prime Video
  23. Retail
  24. Student Programs
  25. Subsidiaries
  26. Transportation & Logistics

What are the different hiring programs at Amazon?

Amazon hires its team in three different programs as follows. 1.Fulfillment Center hiring, 2.Opportunities for students, 3.Remote career opportunities

What are the step-by-step process to Get a Job in Amazon ?

As the tech giant carefully hires each of its team members with an in-depth scrutiny, getting a job in amazon is not an easy task but it is possible. Here are the steps you need to know to get in to Amazon.

Find jobs in Amazon Official Job Site

In various job sites like linkedin, indeed, glassdoor, naukri, fortunejobs you can find Amazon job opportunities. Among these, the best option to search amazon jobs is to search directly in amazons official job site.

Search jobs

Once you landed the amazon official job site, search job by using appropriate keywords, location and job category. e.g if you are looking for a software engineer position at Bangalore, India, type “software engineer” in keyword, Bangalore in Location and select the software job category and start searching

Login and Apply Online

The search result will provide the relevant job opportunities available at amazon. You can apply one or more jobs at a time.

Prior to apply, read carefully the job description, job requirement, basic and preferred qualifications. If all matches your candidacy go ahead or just move to a appropriate job to save the time of you and the recruiter. Do not simply apply unsuitable jobs for the sake of applying.

Job interview process at Amazon company?

Amazon’s recruitment process may vary based on job role and categories. But, still they are all almost similar kind to get you hired.

As a job candidate you must under go the following 4 processes to grab your employment with amazon.

Amazon Basic Interview Process

  1. Online Application
  2. Assessment
  3. Phone Interview
  4. In-person Interview

How to apply Amazon company jobs in Online Application?

As soon as you find suitable job or jobs you must create a “amazon company jobs account” linking with your email. Then, you have to follow below steps to submit your online application

Ten (10) step process – online submission of amazon company job application

Amazon Company online job application process

  1. Resume Upload

first, you have to upload your resume either from your personal device or connect from LinkedIn profile or google drive

  1. Contact Information

Here you need to mention full name, phone number, communication address details.

  1. General Questions

Here you need to answer general questions like, Are you willing to relocate?, How did you hear about this role?, Preferred work location, etc…

  1. Work history & skills

You need to mention your current employer, experience, skills, etc…

  1. Education

Tell your educational history starts with your highest level of education to any ongoing studies.

  1. Job-specific questions

Answer questions like, what is your professional experience level?, skills, others, etc..

  1. Work Eligibility

Here you have to answer questions like, Have you previously applied to Amazon?, Do you currently have the right to work in that location?, What is your most recent citizenship?, etc…

  1. Acknowledgement

You have to acknowledge that you are not giving any false statement as such…

  1. Voluntary Equal Employment Opportunity Self-Identification

This section is to affirm your gender.
What is your gender? 
-I choose not to self-identify

  1. Review and Submit

The final process is to review your application and submitting to amazon jobs hiring team.

Your job ends here. Yet you need to wait for a call from Amazon company recruitment team. And, this will take time as per amazon recruitment process. If your application grabbed the attention of amazon recruiter or your profile is high in need, you will be called for a next round of Online Assessment.

How to prepare Amazon Online Assessment / Test?

Post to online application is submitted, if your application is shortlisted, you will be called for online assessment. Through this process the amazon company recruitment team will get to know your fitment to the company on various aspects.

Depending on your position, you may ask to take an assessment during the application process or send separately after your application.

The online assessment will be assigned based on position you apply. Yet, there are two types of common assessment as follows

Work Style Assessment

The assessment time will be 10-20 minutes focused to test how far you are fitting with Amazon company Culture and leadership principles.

For e.g. question, best describe your personality in these two below statements.

“I like for things to be clearly structured,”


“I look forward to the opportunity to learn new things,”

Work Sample Simulation

These assessments to comprehend the specific position and typically take 20 minute – One-hour minutes through a virtual task.

The questions centered around your decision making, leadership qualities, problem solving abilities and so on.

What are the interview process and preparation for software engineer at Amazon ?

If you are applying a software development engineering role you will be reviewed with Amazon’s software development topics. Going forward, you will be guided to prepare for technical interview evaluations given below as per Amazon hiring process.

Programming Languages:

Familiar with the programming languages as Java, Python, C#, C/C++, or Ruby are primary needs. Also, preferred if you have technical nuances such as memory management, libraries, etc

Data Structure

Projects are mostly comprising of storing and providing access to data. Thus, data structure back ground, inner workings of common data structures and usage in various applications are plus.


Good to have common algorithms such as traversals, divide & conquer, breadth first search vs. depth first search and understand the tradeoffs.

Good understanding of runtimes, theoretical limitations, and basic implementation strategies of different classes of algorithms is more important.


This is your chance to show off your coding ability. The most significant thing a Software Engineer does at Amazon is write accessible, robust, and well-tested code. These are the main evaluation criteria for your code.

Object-Oriented Design

You should have a working information of a few general and useful design patterns, also how to write software in an object-oriented way.


You should be conversant with broad database concepts and their applications and tradeoffs between relational and non-relational databases.

Distributed computing

Understandings of service-oriented architectures, distributed caching, map-reduce, load balancing, and others, will help you formulate answers to some of the more complex distributed architecture questions you might come across.

Operating systems

Knowledge with some OS subjects that can affect code performance (e.g. memory management, threads, synchronization, processes, paging and multithreading).

Internet Topics

Having a solid understanding of the basics of how the worldwide web works is a requirement. Better to have knowledge on DNS lookups, TCP/IP, to socket connections.

General machine learning and artificial intelligence

You may expect questions about data-driven modeling, error analysis, train/test protocols, and statistical significance. You should be clever to express it as a machine learning problem and recommend a solution, including ideas for data sources, annotation, modeling approaches, and possible pitfalls.

After assessments, your application status will mostly be notified via email. You can also check your status in Amazon application portal.

How to prepare Amazon phone interview?

If you succeed an online assessment test, you will receive a official email from Amazon recruiter on facilitating your phone interview with the hiring manager.

The phone interview questions are mostly focused to understand, what you know about Amazon, Amazon Leadership Principles, Behavioral-based interviewing and technical expertise of the specific role you applied.

Here are some example question for behavioral interview

  1. The drastic change that you observed at your previous organization that affected your performance, how did you manage?
  2. Share us about the most difficult situation you ever faced and how did you confront?
  3. How do you handle a situation, when priorities are keep changing?
  4. What you do if one of your team mate’s performance is below average ?

If you are applying for tech role the questions also aligned with software development topics mentioned above.

How to nail Amazon In-Person Interview / On-Site Interview

Amazon recruiter will get back to you through email or phone within couple of days if you passed the phone interview. Now, you are required to appear before Amazon’s direct interviewers panel.

Venue and Timing

Companies like Amazon, timing is a predominant quality. So check-in interview venue at least 15 minutes before scheduled.

You need to have multiple rounds of interview, usually each interview will take about 45 minutes to and hour.

Venue details will be sent to you via email. You can contact recruiter point of contact for clarification.


Depending on the position, you will have to meet two to seven Amazonians in various rounds of interview. The interviewers will be a mixture of team members, stakeholders, managers and “Bar Raiser” member from another team.

Dress Code

Amazon is interested in what you have to say, not what you are wearing. Comfortable and casual is good unless there is any safety reasons on clothing in their fulfillment centers.

Required Documents

Interviewer will have copy of your resume but still its better have one with you along with government photo id’s such as driving license, passport, etc.

Amazon Non-Disclosure Agreement

You will have to sign the amazon standard non-disclosure agreement at the interview venue before interview.

Virtual Interview

In some cases, virtual interview is recommended. If so, you will likely to download Amazon Chime for video conferencing interview.

What are the top 10 job interview questions at Amazon company?

Depending on position, amazon interview questions will be a mixture of previous experience, challenges you came across. You will have to give concise, structured answers with adequate examples. Below are sample Interview questions and answer to impress amazon interviewers.

1. Tell me something about amazon?

Probably one of the top questions in amazon interview.

Answer: Amazon founder Jeff Bezos founded the during 1994 at Washington, US. In July 1995, the company began service as an online bookstore.

From then to now the company expanded its business to various fields. Now, the company is one of top companies in planet earth with 1.2+ million employees globally.

The company has countless accolades in its horizon. The credentials include, rank number 2 in fortune 500 companies, worlds number 2nd best employer, worlds number 1 online market place and more.

2. What do you know about amazon products?

Amazon Devices and Services: in 2007, Amazon introduced first kindle for e-book readers. For media lovers, amazon created amazon fire tv, fire tv stick with thousands of movies, tv shows, apps and channels with Alexa skills.

Amazon Online Marketplace: You can buy almost everything from Amazon online shopping. It serves millions of customers everyday on their purchases. Also, small business rely on amazon’s online shopping as a trusted partner.

Amazon Web Services (AWS): A secure clouds services platform. Millions of clients currently influence AWS cloud products and solutions to build excellent applications with improved flexibility, scalability and consistency

Entertainment: Amazon business development and entertainment includes amazon prime video & studios, IMDB, Amazon music, Worldwide Advertising, etc…

Kindle, Digital Content and Publishing, retail, Worldwide Operations and Customer Services are other services of amazon.

3. What are 14 Amazon leadership principles?

This is important as these 14 leadership principle are applicable in whole amazon businesses.

  1. Customer Obsession
  2. Ownership
  3. Invent and Simplify
  4. Are right, A Lot
  5. Learn and Be Curious
  6. Hire and Develop the Best
  7. Insist on the Highest Standards
  8. Think Big
  9. Bias for Action
  10. Frugality
  11. Earn Trust
  12. Dive Deep
  13. Have Backbone; Disagree and Commit
  14. Deliver Results

4. When given a task that you are unskilled, how do you confirm you handle it properly?

5. How did you respond to the situation, when you received criticism?

6. How do you make decision if no relevant data is available?

7. What would you do, if your boss ask you to do the job against policy?

8. Why amazon?

9. What is your strategy to handle customers?

10. How do you make sure that you fully understand a customer’s needs?

How to answer amazon interview questions?

Usually, amazon doesn’t ask brain teaser questions whereas, Amazon interviewer expect your answers asper Amazon’s “STAR answer format” and how they relate to amazon leadership principles.

What is STAR answer format?

STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, Result. i.e. your expected answer should describe the situation that you were in, What task (goal) were you working, actions you took to address the situation and, What did you accomplish.

Amazon jobs interview – FAQ

How to get a job at Amazon India?

Whether you are from India or any where from world, the amazon hiring process remains same as mentioned above in this article. i.e you need to create job account in amazon job site, choose India as preferred location and apply for the job.
Full details of how to apply amazon jobs, find above in this article.

What are the qualifications to work at Amazon?

Again it is depending on the job positions and its requirements. Whereas, the basic qualification is age above 18 years, with high school diploma or above as per job requirement. Ability to speak, read and write English.

What about Amazon pay and benefits?

Some areas of the U.S. for warehouse and delivery jobs, Amazon currently pays minimum $15 per hour or more.
The benefits at amazon differs based on locations. The basic benefits include Medical benefits for self and family, retirement plans, bonus, paid leaves, discounts on amazon products, career choice (education) pay, and more.

Is it hard to get a job at Amazon company?

Amazon has 1.2+ millions of employees globally and still needs thousands for its growth plan. Though, the hiring is a bit tedious process with multiple rounds of interviews as mentioned above in this article.

How long does it take to hear from amazon, after interview?

According to amazon job site, after your phone interview, the hiring team will get back to you within 2 business days.
If it is a in-person (on-site) interview, you may expect to hearback within 5 business days following interview.

How to check my Amazon job application status?

As soon as you are done with your interview, moving ahead, mostly your application status will be notified via email. Hence, you can also check your status with your amazon job account in application portal.

What should I wear to Amazon company job interview?

Amazon doesn’t have any dress code specification during interview day. comfortable and casual is fine. Clothing specification is applicable if the particular interview venue requires any safety guidelines on clothing.

How many rounds is in Amazon interview?

Interview rounds may vary depending on the position you apply. Commonly, the interview rounds can be 4 to 5 rounds that include online assessment, phone interview, on-site interview (multiple rounds).

What are HR round question at Amazon Interview?

You can count on HR questions like :
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Tell me about Yourself?
How do you spot your self in five years from now?
Some technical questions can also be asked from applicable subject matter?

What is the best way to prepare for Amazon interview?

The best way to prepare amazon interview is to clearly know the requirements. Besides job skills, you must know Amazon leadership principles, Amazon’s STAR answer format and Amazon’s uniqueness as mentioned in this article.


Amazon is a dream company to many professionals. Efforts prior to interview is most essential if you want to get in to your dream company.

Clearly understand the companies requirements, interview process, interview questions and be ready portray your real potential at amazon interview.

Hope this article would helped you to get a job in amazon company.

All the best!!!

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