How to get a job in UK 2022

How to get a job in UK 2022

Getting a good job in the UK is as much about being prepared and knowing the best places to look and the right people to talk to, as having the key skills and qualifications. These top 10 tips will help to put you in a prime position to find the right employer and impress them once you’ve found them.

1. Be prepared

First of all, you need to create a really good CV. Make it interesting and intriguing to ensure that the prospective employer wants to find out more about you. When you find a job that you are interested in applying for, write a great personal cover letter tailored to that specific job. If you’re lucky enough to be invited for an interview, research the company and prepare well. Ensure you have a list of questions to ask that show you have a knowledge of the company.

2. Networking

As the old saying goes “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know”. The important thing here is talking to people. Talk to friends and family about jobs or opportunities that they’ve heard about. Make contact with people you’ve met at careers fairs and use social media to link with people. Often, managers and directors will be sympathetic if you reach out to them as they are likely to have been in your position themselves. Asking for volunteer work and work experience is a good way of getting yourself known.

3. Get them to come to you

By creating a good up-to-date CV and posting it online, you are allowing potential employers to hunt you down and save you the work of chasing them. There are some great websites that enable you to do this. Ensure your online profiles present the right impression to potential employers as they are likely to research you, as you would research them. It is prudent to make sure that social media profiles are either hidden or employer-friendly and professional, remove any embarrassing pictures!

4. Choose your employer

Pick out a company that you’d love to work for and target them. Put your efforts into finding a company that fits with your skills and personality. Look at the skills they require and hone your CV to meet their requirements. Learn all about them to enable you to be knowledgeable at the interview.

5. Bounce back

There is no denying that job hunting can be tough. Most people receive knockbacks and rejections. The important thing is to pick yourself up and keep applying for more jobs, stay motivated and learn from your mistakes. The best thing you can do is to ask for feedback when you get a rejection to enable you to improve on your application or interview next time.

6. Be an early bird

If you’re very smart and keep your ear to the ground you may be able to find out about the perfect job before it has even been advertised. This is a great way to get ahead of the pack.

7. Online openings

There are many websites dedicated to finding people the perfect job. However, these websites can be advertising thousands of new jobs every day. Try using an advanced search facility to narrow down your requirements to avoid trawling through all of the jobs that are not relevant to you. Using Google alerts can save you a lot of time and hassle. This is a free service that matches your criteria to new jobs and allows you to get notifications of jobs as soon as they are posted. You can choose to get immediate alerts or daily roundups.

8. Look Local

Local newspapers are actually a great way to find local jobs, particularly casual or temporary work. Although it may seem old-fashioned it is also worth checking in newsagent’s windows or libraries for adverts that have been placed there. This can be an effective way of offering and finding jobs in your local community.

9. Industry-specific jobs

If your skills are specialized and there is a particular industry that you are looking to work in, why not try looking through trade publications. Look for newsletters or trade magazines that have a smaller circulation and jobs tailored more to your skillset. Jobs that are advertised less widely mean that there will be fewer people in competition with you for that job.

10. Social media

Social media is a growing and very effective tool for job hunting. Companies are advertising jobs on Twitter and of course LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a great way to put yourself out there and be found or to search for a job that fits with your interests. Employers are utilizing this service more and more to find the perfect candidate. Join the online community to make yourself as visible as possible.

Using the tips above won’t guarantee you that dream job, but it will put you in the best position to jump on opportunities that not everyone will be aware of, making it more likely for you to succeed.

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