How To Register And Download Your Ghris Payslip Online

How To Register And Download Your Ghris Payslip Online

In this article, I will take you through how to register and download your ghris payslip- an important document to civil servants when seeking various services.

But before I pace you through the step-by-step ghris payslip downloading guide, let us understand how GHRIS works.

What is Ghris?

Ghris Kenya is simply a GOK(Government of Kenya) human resource MIS (management information system) portal aimed at smoothing the running of Kenya’s government’s human resource.

It is hosted on and is part of the Government’s efforts to transform the way it renders services through digitization.

Subsequently, civil servants both in the county and national governments have to create their online GHRIS Account for them to access any employment details they may need.

Besides access your ghris payslip, its only after registering that you can upload or edit your employment profiles.

You can also apply for some advertised government posts from the GHRIS website.

Why Use Ghris?

  • The system is centralized, readily accessible 24/7, and transparent so you don’t need to go chasing after your HR boss when in urgent need of a services like a payslip.
  • Since it’s online, third party organizations like insurance companies and financial institutions can easily confirm needed employment details, something important when seeking some of their services like loans.
  • Instant ghris online payslip download- being a website, you only need a ghris my payslip login to print even backdated payslips whenever you need them (at home/office).
  • Privacy: Unlike manual files which are easily available to anyone, nosy colleagues can’t retrieve your private information without your authority so your data remains safe unless you give out your personalized GHRIS logins and passwords.
  • Doorway to other essential government services: GHRIS is linked up to other crucial systems including IFMIS so it brings many other civil service services right at your fingertips.

Services Available on Ghris

  • Human Resource Notice Board: in addition to the ghris online payslipthe government on occasion publishes important human resource updates/announcement on the website.
  • Job Applications: the government of Kenya also invites applications to select vacancies through the portal including those that are supposed to be filled internally.
  • Download ghris payslip: you can download your ghris payslip conveniently from the portal.

What You need To continue Using the Ghris Portal

The government has set a few conditions for the users of the portal.

  • Transparency: Every user of the www.ghris.coke payslip HR information processing system must always maintain honesty.

The government warns that it will take legal action against anyone who is discovered to have entered misleading data when printing the government payslip online or otherwise.

  • Install a Recommended Browser: You must install any of the compatible browsers to open the system.

For the ghris payslip download, this should be Internet Explorer 7 going upwards. Recent versions of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox also work.

How To Register on GHRIS for Payslips Download services- Step-by-Step Guide

You must have a online payslips login to print out a payslip. Now, the logins- which you shall use on the ghris my payslip login page- are available only after registering your credentials on the system.

Ensure that you have the following information before proceeding:

  1. National ID Card Number.
  2. Your employment appointed date.
  3. Your employment number(Government/institutional) or issued personal number.
  4. KRA PIN Number.
  5. A Mobile number.
  6. A Personalized email address.


 1: Visit the GHRIS portal

2: Click on Click Here to login as shown

3: Now Click on New to GHRIS?  Register here.

The ghris payslip online login registration form opens.

You will fill in the indicated details correctly. Also, create a super strong login password to safeguard your details.

Remember to click on the submit buttin once you’re done.

The Next Stage

The information entered is usually received by your relevant government agency/department/ministry meaning your registration will fail in case of any discrepancies- upon which you must get in touch with your department for assistance.

You will start getting your payslips online free (mtrh payslips included) immediately after approval.

How Do I Download My www.ghris.coke Payslip Online?

1: First login here

Type your user ID plus your password.

The system should open.

2. Click on current pay payslips. Remember to specify the year and month (check the options on the right-hand menu).

3. Click view payslip.

4. Click print.

Help! I Forgot my GHRIS Payslip Password

You can easily reset your GHRIS password in case you lost it.


1: Go here.

2. Click on click here to log in.

3. Click on forgot your password

The password reset form opens. Complete the required details then click submit.

A password resetting link is automatically sent to the email address you gave.

4. Login to your registered email account and open the password reset email from GHRIS. It will redirect you to the GHRIS password reset window.

5. Enter your brand new password twice (in the space provided) and confirm.

That’s it.

You will now access your ghris payslip online by logging in using your new password.

You can also request the GHRIS system to be sending you an identity confirming SMS code through your mobile phone when resetting.

How To Update Profile On GHRIS Portal

Here is how to edit your employment details-if and when necessary:

  1. Log in to the ghris website (www ghris coke payslip online).
  2. Click on update details.
  3. Add/edit the details as necessary.
  4. Click on submit.

That’s all!

Ghris contacts


The ghris system provides numerous useful services including the ghris payslip online download for civil servants, the public, and even third parties like banking institutions.

And the best bit is that it’s super simple to use.

Just register as discussed above and start enjoy all the convenience the system brings.

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