TVET and KNEC accredited courses you can do with a D+, D, or D-

TVET and KNEC accredited courses you can do with a D+, D, or D-

I never really expected outstanding KCSE results but a D+ was lower than what I expected. I always scored a C+ and above. So I was never worried about getting into university. However, with the results out it is clear that no university will take me in.

I am in a dilemma about which course to pursue with the grade I got. Are there any marketable courses for people who got grades like mine? Kindly advise me” This is an email I received this week.

First of all, if you are in the same situation as this reader, then you should remember that this is not the end. You can still go on to study and have a successful career. You just have to be smart about the choices you make.

Sure, with such grades, there is a limit to courses you can pursue but there are still a lot of marketable courses to pick from.

Courses You Can do With a D+, D, or D-

With a D+ or D in KCSE, high school graduates now have many options in courses to take in the TVET and Technical Training colleges. Scoring a D or D+ does not mean you have failed your KCSE. In fact, you can start with certificate courses and gradually move to the diploma and finally see yourself moving to a degree program in your area of study. Here, we have compiled an updated list of good courses you can do with a D+ or D in TVET and technical institutions in Kenya.

Artisan certificate courses are basic-level courses that can be done by primary school leavers or students with E or D- grades. This level of course produces skilled workers in specific trades (artisans).

Craft courses are more advanced giving you crafted practical skills ready for the market or self-employment.

Craft certificate is the level of post-school courses that produce skilled technicians or craftsmen.

List of Courses You Can Do With a D+, D, or D- in KCSE

If you choose to register through KUCCPS, some courses may require you to have a minimum grade of D+ in KCSE. You can apply for the same courses directly in KNEC-accredited institutions with a minimum of D plain in KCSE.

The certificate or craft courses may take a minimum of one year depending on the modules you wish to study.

List of Courses You Can Do with a D+

  • Certificate/Craft in Automotive Engineering
  • Craft Certificate in Mechanical Engineering (Automotive Option)
  • Certificate in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Power Option)
  • Certificate in Electrical Engineering (Telecommunication Option)
  • Certificate in Electrical Engineering
  • Certificate in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology (Power and Telecommunication Option)
  • Certificate in Electrical Engineering Level Five (TVET-CDACC)
  • Artisan in Electrical Wireman
  • Certificate in Electrical Installation (TVET-CDACC)
  • Certificate in Computer Servicing and Maintenance
  • Certificate in Counselling Psychology

List of Courses You Can Do with a D in KCSE

  • Certificate in Sells and Marketing
  • Certificate in Human Resource Management
  • Craft Certificate in Supply Chain Management
  • Certificate in Social Work and Community Development
  • Craft in Secretarial Studies
  • Craft in Storekeeping
  • Certificate in Business Administration
  • Certificate in Fashion Design and Garment Making
  • ICT Technician
  • Certificate in ICT
  • Certificate in Baking Technology
  • Certificate in Catering and Accommodation Operations
  • Craft Certificate in Mechanical Engineering
  • Craft Certificate in Electrical and Electronic Technology (Telecommunication Option)
  • Craft Certificate in Medical Laboratory Technology
  • Craft Certificate in Nutrition and Dietetics

List of Courses You Can Do with a D- in KCSE

  • Artisan in Electrical Installation
  • Artisan in Baking Technology
  • Artisan in Masonry
  • Artisan in Plumbing
  • Artisan in Carpentry and Joinery
  • Artisan in Motor Vehicle Mechanics
  • Artisan in Information Communication Technology


A KCSE grade should never be a hindrance to being successful in modern times. If you find the right course and put your passion into it, you will find it easy to attain contentment in fulfilling your dreams.

If you choose to register through KUCCPS, some courses may require you to have a minimum grade of D+ in KCSE. You can apply for the same courses directly in KNEC-accredited institutions with a minimum of D plain in KCSE.

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