Depression 101: All You Need To Know About Depression

Depression 101: All You Need To Know About Depression

According to Global
Health Data Exchange
, as of 2019, approximately 3.8% of the world
population suffered from depression, with 5% being adults above 20 years and
around 5.7% of those aged between 60 to 89 years.

What Is Depression?

Depression is a mental disorder that manifests itself as a
continuous feeling of sadness, low moods, and disinterest in activities you
previously enjoyed and life. Depression is persistent and can go on for weeks,
months, or even years. It exists in different forms, including:

  • Bipolar

  • Psychotic

  • Seasonal
    Affective Disorder (SAD)

  • Premenstrual
    Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)

  • Clinical

  • Postpartum

  • Persistent
    Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia)

  • Seasonal

What Are The Symptoms Of Depression?

A majority of affected individuals suffer in silence because
most are not even aware they are depressed. GHDx data
shows that most depression patients are women. Men show signs of depression
through anger, fatigue, and being easily irritable. On the other hand, women
manifest the symptoms through feelings such as guilt, unworthiness, and
sadness. Other symptoms can include:

  • Suicide

  • Disinterest
    in activities previously enjoyed

  • Change
    in sleeping pattern. It can either be insomnia or sleeping too much

  • Having
    a hard time concentrating

  • Low
    moods and lack of motivation

  • Change
    in eating habits. Some people eat more or less than usual.

  • Weight
    gain or loss

  • Unexplained
    pain such as joint paint, backaches, and bloating

For these symptoms to qualify for a depression diagnosis,
they have to last two weeks or more.

What causes depression?

Depression can result from several factors such as:

  • Trauma
    experienced in earlier life accompanied by fear and mental distress.

  • Mood
    disorders may be genetically inherited in the family.

  • Substance

  • Loss
    of a loved one

  • Sociological
    and environmental factors

  • Medical
    conditions such as bipolar disorder, sleep disturbance, or chronic pain.

Is There Treatment For Depression?

There exists no specific cure for depression. However, there
exist different forms of antidepressants and psychotherapy that can be used for
treatment. Treatment varies depending on the individual and the type of
depression or symptoms experienced.


Depression affects a large number of the world’s population.
It can affect anyone either directly or indirectly. However, seeking treatment
is the first step to managing the symptoms. Talk to your healthcare
professional as soon as possible if you or someone close to you exhibits the

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