How To PULL OUT CORRECTLY To Prevent Pregnancy! (Withdrawal Method)

How To PULL OUT CORRECTLY To Prevent Pregnancy! (Withdrawal Method)

The pull-out method, also known as the withdrawal method,
is a way to prevent pregnancy.

Although not reliable, it’s a better option than taking no
precautions. It’s also an option for couples who are open to the possibility of

As the name implies, in pulling out, one partner takes his
penis out of the other partner’s vagina before he ejaculates. By doing this,
fewer sperm travel through the vagina and cervix. The male partner can then
deposit the sperm anywhere else.

Although this may sound easy, it does require control and
timing. If the male partner can’t feel that he’s about to ejaculate or if he’s
too caught up in the moment, he might not pull out in time.

Whether pulling out is a legitimate form of birth control is
the topic of extensive debate. However, it does lower the likelihood of
pregnancy to some extent. If you want to avoid getting pregnant and catching an
STI, the safest option would be using a condom and pulling out simultaneously.

How to pull out correctly

For the pull-out method to work correctly, it has to be done
right every time you have intercourse. Before the male partner orgasms, he
should pull his penis from the female partner’s vagina and ejaculate elsewhere.
This is essential, as even a small amount of semen can lead to pregnancy.

Here are some tips for how to pull out correctly:

Use a spermicide cream, gel, or foam to kill the sperm
before they can swim toward the uterus. Place the spermicide deep in the
vagina, close to the cervix. Follow the instructions to make sure spermicide is
applied properly before sex.

Keep track of your fertile days using an ovulation calendar.
During these days, it’s best to use something besides the pull-out method to
avoid pregnancy. Ovulation calendars can also help you to get to know your body
by detecting physical and emotional patterns.

Before intercourse, have your partner pee to clear out any

After your partner ejaculates, make sure there’s no semen on
your upper thighs or groin. Sperm on these areas of your body may migrate
inside your vagina.

Does pulling out work? How effective is the pull-out method
when done correctly?

For the pull-out method to be effective, both partners
should keep sperm away from the vulva and vagina every time they have sex.
Pull-out method statistics show that out of 100 women who use the pull-out
method perfectly, four will get pregnant. In general, 27 women whose partners
pull out get pregnant out of 100. (To compare, roughly 15 out of 100 couples
who use condoms get pregnant.) Couples who don’t use any birth control method
have an 85-percent chance of pregnancy.

In general, the pull-out method is unreliable, and health
care providers consider it ineffective compared to other options.

If you are on birth control, do you have to pull out?

Birth control pills protect against unwanted pregnancy.
These pills can be up to 99.9 percent effective when taken correctly. According
to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), mini pills and
combination pills have seven-percent failure rates with typical use. This means
that seven out of 100 women will get pregnant while using birth control pills.

Although birth control pills are statistically more
effective than pulling out, there’s no harm in using both. However, birth
control pills and the pull-out method can’t prevent the spread of STIs.

Benefits of the withdrawal method

There are several benefits of the withdrawal birth control
method, which include:

It is free and available at all times. When you use the
pull-out method, you and your partner don’t have to spend money or prepare
anything before having intercourse. Anyone can use it at any place and at any
time. Although most people need some practice to get it right, pulling out is
always available when needed. It also might be an option if you forgot to buy a
condom or left your birth control pills at home.

It has no side effects. Unlike some prescribed birth control
options, pulling out involves no nausea, vomiting, or increased appetite.

It makes other forms of birth control more effective. When
combined with a condom or birth control pills, the pull-out method can decrease
the chance of an unplanned pregnancy.

Risks and disadvantages of the pull-out method

Of course, the pull-out method does come with some
disadvantages too:

It’s not effective. Other birth control methods can be more
effective (e.g., birth control pills and IUDs).

It requires practice. Men often have trouble pulling out
when they’re close to climaxing.

It’s tricky to do correctly. Many couples can get caught up
in the moment and fail to pull out in time. Men, especially if they’re younger
or inexperienced, can lack the self-control needed to pull out at the height of
sexual pleasure.

It can only prevent pregnancy, not protect against STIs.
Many STIs like herpes or genital warts can spread via skin-to-skin contact.
Moreover, chlamydia and gonorrhoea can be transmitted by the penis before
ejaculation. As a result, it’s always prudent to use a condom.

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