3 Key Tips for Avoiding Work-From-Home Burnout

3 Key Tips for Avoiding Work-From-Home Burnout

The Covid-19 pandemic gave rise to a new way of doing
business, as professional teams were forced into remote work-from-home (WFH)
environments. Though the pandemic has slowed considerably, the WFH method is
proving to be the new normal for many companies.  

While working from home is well-suited for some, many
professionals have found themselves feeling burnt out after enduring it for
over a year. The key to avoiding this burnout is for individuals to set clear
personal and professional boundaries according to their own needs.

The WFH method can be advantageous for both businesses and
employees. Taking the right steps to avoid WFH burnout is essential for the
method to be successful. In this article, I will discuss this type of burnout
and provide you with 3 important tips for avoiding it.

What is Work From Home Burnout?

The term “burnout” refers to the feeling of exhaustion due
to a prolonged period of emotional, mental, and physical stress.

In work environments, this burnout can be caused by highly
demanding schedules and long hours, among other things. As professionals
experience work-related burnout, this can result in drastically decreased
motivation and productivity. Additionally, the health and well-being of a
burnt-out person can be severely affected if the burnout is not properly

In March of 2021, Indeed
 1,500 U.S. workers. The survey found that 52
 felt burnt out at their current job over the past year. On top
of this, 67 percent reported that this feeling increased over
the pandemic.

A major stressor that contributed to these high percentages
is the change from in-person to WFH work environments. While working from home
comes with many benefits, it can also deprive professionals of set working
hours and professional boundaries.

As such, WFH burnout has become an important consideration
for all business people, including both business leaders and employees.

Several important steps can be taken to help reduce the
effects and prevalence of WFH burnout.

The following tips are beneficial to business team members
at all levels. If you are a manager or higher, it is important to keep these
tips in mind and work to accommodate the needs of your WFH teams.

1. Maintaining Firm Boundaries

When working from home, it can be easy to let your personal
and professional life blend together.

However, this blurring of professional lines can take a
serious toll on your mental health. Without clear boundaries, work can quickly
begin to feel inescapable even from the comfort of your home.

Good professional boundaries to set include:

·        Creating a
specific home-office space used only during work hours

·        Turning off
your work phone or laptop when working hours have ended

·        Stopping
notifications during the weekend

·        Clearly
stating the appropriate times to contact you to both team members and clients

The key when setting professional boundaries is to stay
consistent. If you constantly break your own rules, the people around you will
not respect your boundaries either.

2. Setting Aside Time for Self Care

The amount of time you commit to you and you alone truly

Setting aside specific times for taking care of yourself is
crucial. This time will allow you to relax and ensure your mental, emotional,
and physical health remains a priority.

Important self-care activities to partake in include:

·        Proper
Personal Hygiene: 
This may seem like a no-brainer, but when you are
working from home it can be easy to overlook your hygiene and grooming routine.
Taking the time to get ready in the morning will help you to feel more
refreshed and motivated.

·        Meditation
and Mindfulness: 
In times of high stress, practicing meditation and
mindfulness can help you to maintain a stronger sense of internal peace. Stress
can affect your physical body as much as your mental state, so keeping stress
levels to a minimum is critical.

·        Dedicated
Meal Times: 
Your body can only keep up with your work if you fuel it
correctly. Working from home can easily distract you from your usual meal
times. Setting firm rules with yourself on when you should eat will help you to
keep your body and mind strong.

·        Pre-Determined
Free Time: 
You absolutely need to block out time where working is not
allowed. Giving yourself adequate periods of rest will help you to be more
productive and optimistic during your working hours.

3. Finding a Routine that Works for You

Ultimately, working from home allows you to create a routine
that is highly specific to your wants and needs. By finding the routine that
works best for you, you will be much happier and more satisfied at the end of
each workday.

To create a unique work routine that suits your lifestyle,
you should:

·        Communicate
Your Needs to Management: 
WFH allows you to create a unique schedule
for yourself. If this schedule differs from the standard company schedule,
communicating your working hours and needs to management is key.

·        Work
During Your Most Productive Times:
 For most people, the early hours
after waking up are their most productive. No matter what time your
productivity is at its height, you should use this time to do the bulk of your
most important work.

·        Schedule
Adequate Breaks:
 To avoid burnout at home, you need to schedule breaks
for yourself. Grab a snack, go for a walk, or do anything that helps you feel
relaxed. This time will give you important moments of relief that will
ultimately help you to work more consistently throughout the day!

Final Thoughts: Providing Your Team with the Support They

If you are a professional in a management position or
higher, it is extremely important to be considerate of the health of your WFH

Promoting regular, open, and honest communication is
crucial. Your teams are the most supported when they have a high level of trust
towards you and feel they can openly communicate their needs.

Above all else, it is of the utmost importance to treat both
yourself and your teams with grace and understanding. Working from home is a
big adjustment and there are bound to be obstacles along the way – but with the
proper professional respect for one another, your businesses can thrive no
matter the work environment. 

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