Functions and Tenure of the newly constituted Schools’ Board Of Management, BOMs

Functions and Tenure of the newly constituted Schools’ Board Of Management, BOMs

In Kenya, the Board of Management (BOM) is the collective name given to individuals who oversee the operations of an education institution (Basic Education Act, 2013).

The Board of Management, BOMs, oversees a number of functions within an institution. 


The Boards Of management perform the following roles:

  • They promote the best interests of the school and ensure that there is development within the school.
  • Promote quality Education for all learners as enshrined in the Basic Education Act Number 14 of 2013
  • Ensure there are adequate physical facilities within the school: Dormitories, Classrooms, Co-Curricular among other facilities.
  • Advise the County Education Board, CEB, on the staffing needs of the school.
  • Hear and make determination on cases of learners’ indiscipline and present reports to the County Education Boards.
  • Prepare termly comprehensive reports on all areas of their mandate and present them to County education boards.
  • Provide for the welfare and observe the human rights and ensure safety of the learners, teachers and support staffs within the learning institution.
  • Administer and manage schools’ resources.
  • Recruit, remunerate and discipline members of the non-teaching staff/ Support staff as may be required by the institution.
  • Receive, collect and account for any funds meant for the institution.
  • Allow reasonable use of the facilities of the institution for community, social and other lawful purposes.
  • Hear and make recommendations on teachers’ discipline cases as guided by the teachers Service Commission’s Regulations.
  • Participate during the recruitment of TSC teachers.


  • Once constituted, the Board Of Management’s tenure runs for a period of 3 years from the date of appointment. A member shall be eligible for re-appointment for one final term of a period not exceeding 3 years.


The institution’s BOM may appoint the following sub-committees:

  1. Human Rights and Students’ welfare Committee.
  2. Audit Committee
  3. Finance and Procurement Committee.
  4. Academic Standards Committee.
  5. Discipline, Ethics and Integrity Committee.
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