How to Apply for Water and Sewerage Connection in Kenya

How to Apply for Water and Sewerage Connection in Kenya

Different counties have different application forms and procedures. In general for one to apply for water and sewerage connection one needs to approach the water offices in their county/ district and request for connection. The following is the procedure for applying for water and sewerage connections. Let us learn How to Apply for Water and Sewerage Connection in Kenya

Apply In-Person
Water Supply

  1. The applicant can do the application online at OR do it manually by visiting the offices.
  2. The applicant fills in an application form which is available at the offices and submits it together with copies of an ID / Passport and Pin certificate.
  3. The Front Desk Officer and other officers are always available to guide every applicant on how to fill the form correctly and register completed forms.
  4. Make sure you pay the applicable application fees and submit the receipt together with the application. The fees applicable can be found in the “Fee” section of this page.
  5. After logging the application officers from the water department will visit the applicant’s premises within 24 hour to survey and determine the requirements for the new connection.
  6. The officers will also inspect all plumbing work done by the applicant before affecting any service.
  7. Connection is effected within one day once the pipe laying works is completed.
  8. The whole process takes an average of 14 days to complete.

Sewer Services

  1. To apply for sewer connection all you need is to fill in an application form which can be obtained from the office and submit it together with the required documents.
  2. The Front Desk Officer and other officers will always be available to guide every applicant on how to fill the form correctly and register completed forms.
  3. Make sure you pay the applicable application fees and survey fees and submit the receipt together with the application. The fees applicable can be found in the “Fee” section of this page.
  4. After logging the application officers from the water department will visit the applicant’s premises to inspect and approve all drainage works done by a licensed drain layer before effecting any service connection.
  5. Connection is effected within three days after drainage works are completed and approved.
  6. During the installation of a new connection, the customer will be provided with information explaining how to maintain the sewer connection and what to do in case of a sewer blockage.
  7. The customer will receive his or her first bill with sewer charges within one month from the connection date.
  8. The whole process takes an average of 14 days to complete.

Required Documents

  • Identity card / Passport
  • KRA PIN Certificate

Required Documents

Water Supply
-Copy of ID
-Copy of KRA PIN
-Copy of Title deed
Connection charges as outlined in the tariff.

Sewer Services
-Copy of ID
-Copy of KRA PIN
-Copy of Title deed
-Connection charges as outlined in the tariff.

In case you have an existing water connection, you will only require the following:
-Copy of water bill
-Connection charges as outlined in the tariff.
-Fees; For domestic consumers Kshs 5000 is paid both for survey and meter deposit while for commercial customers it is Kshs 27,500.


For domestic consumers Kshs 5000 is paid both for survey and meter deposit while for commercial customers it is Kshs 27,500.



For more information call Huduma Contact Centre: +254 (020) 6900020

Or visit nearest Huduma Centre

Or Contact: N/A

Office Locations & Contacts

Ministry of Water and Sanitation
Maji House, Upper hill,
Off Ngong Road,
P.O BOX 49720 – 00100
Telephone: +254 020 2716103, 4900000
Fax: +254 020 2727622
Website: Water Website


  • Anybody can apply for the services


Fees are is paid both for survey and meter deposit

  • For domestic consumers Ksh 2,500
  • For commercial customers its ksh 25,000,
  • For industrial customers its 50,000,
  • For domestic construction its 15,000,
  • For commercial construction 50,000


  • The validity is forever

Documents to Use

  • Application documents are available at all regional county offices

Processing Time

  • It takes 14 days for a new consumer to be connected.

Required Information

  1. Name of applicant
  2. Physical address
  3. Email Address
  4. Phone Number
  5. Zone/Estate
  6. Type of Supply
  7. KRA PIN number
  8. ID number

Need for the Document

  • This application will allow the applicant to receive connection to the water and sewerage lines.

Information which might help

  • Every customer is provided with a meter upon payment of a refundable deposit as per the tariffs.
  • The deposit refund shall be payable within three days after closing of account.
  • During the installation of a new connection, the customer will be provided with information explaining how to maintain the service line, what to do in case of water leaks and economical use of water.
  • The customer will receive his or her first bill within one month from the connection date.

External Links


  • The Water Services Regulatory Board has, in pursuant to Section 73 (5) of the Water Act 2002, approved a Regular Tariff increase for water and sewerage tariffs for Nairobi City Water & Sewerage Company Limited (NCWSC).
  • Under the powers granted under sections 73 (1) and 73 (4) of the Water Act 2002, Athi Water Services Board do hereby give notice to all existing and potential water and sewerage customers of NCWSC that the current tariffs have been adjusted upwards with effect from 1st November 2015 and will be reviewed annually.
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