How to Get a FinTech Job with No Experience

How to Get a FinTech Job with No Experience

With FinTech becoming one of the fastest-growing industries not just in finance, but amongst all global sectors, it’s no wonder why more and more young professionals are looking to enter the field.

To get a job in FinTech with no experience, the key lies in first getting to know the many layers of the industry and honing your chosen skills. This often includes applying for internships, jumping at opportunities that may come your way, and connecting with people in the field.

In this article, I will discuss how you can go about getting into FinTech when you have no experience. Keep reading to learn more about what you need to do to develop your skills and gain valuable connections.

Work on Your Studies & Build Relevant Skills

Regardless of if you are still at university, if you have already graduated, or if you are entering into academics for the first time – to get into FinTech, you should focus your studies on relevant fields.

These include subjects like:

  • Software Development
  • Information Technology
  • Computer Information Systems
  • Banking & Finance
  • Business & Financial Analysis
  • Marketing

In truth, there are many overlapping industries that fall beneath the umbrella of FinTech. To get the most out of your studies, you should seek out classes, online courses, workshops, and more that provide you with real-life assignments and projects.

Additionally, you want to find a program that encourages collaboration. While the ability to work independently is a strong skill to have, it is equally important to hone your teamwork skills, as FinTech is a highly communicative and collaborative industry.

Apply for Internships & Co-Op Positions

One of the best ways to get your foot in the door and really give FinTech a solid test run is through unpaid or low-wage opportunities such as internships or co-op positions.

These types of positions will give you not only experience to include on a resume, but also a real-life taste of what it is like to work in FinTech. Moreover, many internship positions often help companies to connect with new talent coming out of university or other educational paths. By working in such positions, you may gain new opportunities to join a company’s team long-term.

During your time in these positions, it is important to make the most of them. To do so, you should ask to be included on projects and connect with as many professionals as you can within the company you are interning for.

Connect with FinTech Professionals

Speaking of connecting with professionals, this is something you should be actively trying to do whenever possible.

These days, there are many sites designed specifically for helping professionals in related fields connect and network with each other – one of the most famous being LinkedIn. Being an inherently digital field already, FinTech draws in people who maintain an online presence. This makes it easier to find a plethora of willing mentors and advice-givers online.

Make a Lasting Connection & Ask the Right Questions

When reaching out to FinTech professionals, you should strive to show your enthusiasm for the industry and willingness to learn and evolve in your own career. This is the first step to making a lasting positive impression, as driven team members are what most FinTech companies search for first.

As far as what to ask, inquiring about open positions or upcoming opportunities is key – however, it also pays off to show genuine interest in someone else’s work as well. By asking others about their successes and projects is a great learning experience, as well as a motivational chance to see what is possible.

Be honest! People will find it refreshing and will respect you if you are open about your current position and goals. Feel free to tell senior people that you are a student or new job searcher with an interest in working in their company. Remember, they were students or new searchers once too and they will likely respect the bravery it took to reach out to them.

Final Thoughts

If you are seeking to build a career in FinTech, the time to start is now.

Even if you lack experience, there are actionable steps you can take to begin down this path professionally. Taking online courses, focusing your university studies on FinTech-related fields, completing internships, and connecting with FinTech professionals are all fantastic ways to expand your FinTech knowledge and network starting today.

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