How To Start a Cyber Cafe Business in Kenya

How To Start a Cyber Cafe Business in Kenya

The Cyber Cafe business in Kenya won’t lose its relevance anytime soon, because, despite the availability of personal computers in almost every home and establishment, people still visit cyber cafes to make use of the computers and for a number of other reasons. And most of such businesses are doing very well with an influx of customers.

Opening up a cyber cafe business in Kenya costs about Kes100,000-200,000 depending on your plan and budget. With as little as 6 computers, you can start operating and grow that number gradually.

There is good money in the cyber cafe business in Kenya and if you have a good location where there is little or no competition, on a bad day you can make Kes2,000 and on a good day you can make up to 5,000-10,000 Kes.


To start up you will need:


Some licenses from the county government and from computer and internet. Obtaining a business profit for your online business cost Kshs 10,000-12,000 per year (depending on the county).

A license can be obtained at the city council or online for those in counties that have an online application.


You need to identify 1. the location to start your business and 2. the type of places businesses like this do well.

  • ·         A residential area where there is no such competition.
  • ·         A busy business area.

Your cafe just needs to be sited at a good location like a college, university, high school, office and any other place people are known to frequent.

Note: Don’t set up your cybercafe in a location that doesn’t meet the above requirements or you will be risking ROI (return on investments).

Other things to consider while choosing a location are:

  • ·         The place that has minimal electricity blackouts since most of your business, runs on electricity.
  • ·         A Place with a fair rent. Rent differs based on the county.
  • ·         It should be spacious enough to contain the number of computers you intend to install in the room, without cramping the customers. If you are now sure about the space, call a carpenter to measure it.
  • ·         Well-spaced, good ventilation and great internet and network connectivity. Customers will avoid your shop if it is not spacious, is poorly ventilated and has a slow internet connection.
  • ·         The accessibility of your shop is not much of an issue since clients will be the ones to find you. But it is better for you to situate your shop close to the road wherever people can easily find and see it.

Printers And Computers

The quality of your computers matters a lot. Most people venture into the business using a second-hand computer because they don’t care about quality.

Second-hand computers paint a negative picture because of their appearance rather than their performance. Due to the fact they are old, people just assume that they are outdated, slow and unpleasant to use.

If you can, buy new computers. But if you must use old computers, get them refurbished and buy a new keyboard and mouse for them. Don’t get hatchback computers, because they consume a lot of electricity.

For durability and performance, HP computers are a strong recommendation. They are good for long-running hours without developing problems and they last long. Buy a blower to keep them clean.

The best printer for your cafe is Epson PX660 it is a heavy-duty machine that is portable, but will serve you well. Epson PX660 can also photocopy and scan documents. You can also buy a Ricoh photocopier.


What draws people to your cafe is Internet speed. Nobody wants to pay to use a computer with a slow internet connection. Plus it is unfair to them for the cafe’s internet to be crawling, meanwhile, there is a timer ticking on the screen.

For reliable internet providers in Kenya, here is the list:

  • ·         Kenya Data Network
  • ·         Safaricom
  • ·         Airtel
  • ·         Orange
  • ·         AccessKenya


You should have a budget for furniture. You can consult the carpenter you plan to give the job on the price for making the furniture for your cafe.


To know what to charge your customers, visit other cafes in the area you plan to start yours, to know what fees they charge their own customers for various services. Be careful not to undercharge or overcharge your customers.

An Apprentice

Not that you necessarily need one, but if you can get someone. This is the person that will run the shop when you are not around.

Aside from providing internet services to your customers, other services you can offer in your cafe are:

  • ·         Photocopying
  • ·         Typesetting
  • ·         Photography/Passport
  • ·         Online registration
  • ·         Printing
  • ·         Scanning
  • ·         Spiral binding
  • ·         Selling computers and accessories
  • ·         Internet connection to customers living nearby
  • ·         Graphic/Web designing

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