Is it safe to consume eggs? Here are some pros and cons of eggs!

Eggs are among the most versatile foods in your kitchen -- they can be served myriad ways on their own, add texture and moisture to baked goods and complement both sweet and savory dishes. Eggs also boast a rich nutritional profile and low-calorie count -- they provide a range of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients while containing just 72 calories for each large egg. However, eggs also have some nutritional disadvantages, so you should consume them in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

For years eggs have been considered more of a health risk than healthy food. This is because they were considered high cholesterol food, so those with high cholesterol levels were advised to avoid them. We now know that the cholesterol found in food has much less of an effect on our blood cholesterol than the amount of saturated fat we eat. If you’ve been advised by your GP to change your diet in an attempt to reduce your blood cholesterol levels, the best thing to do is to keep to daily guideline intakes for saturated fat (20g for the average woman and 30g for the average man) opting instead for mono-unsaturated fats found in olive and rapeseed oils. It's also a good idea to increase your intake of fruit, vegetables, and fiber whilst minimizing sugars and refined carbs.

If you are concerned about your cholesterol or are unsure whether it is safe for you to consume eggs please consult your GP.

The health benefits of eggs

Eggs are rich in several nutrients that promote heart health such as betaine and choline. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, an adequate supply of choline is particularly important, since choline is essential for normal brain development. In traditional Chinese medicine, eggs are recommended to strengthen the blood and increase energy by enhancing digestive and kidney function.

Eggs are a useful source of Vitamin D which helps to protect bones, preventing osteoporosis and rickets. Shop wisely because the method of production – free-range, organic or indoor raised can make a difference in vitamin D content. Eggs should be included as part of a varied and balanced diet. They are filling and when enjoyed for breakfast may help with weight management, as the high protein content helps us to feel fuller for longer.

Healthy Cooking Options

Practice healthy cooking methods when preparing your eggs. Ensure your eggs are cooked thoroughly since raw or undercooked eggs can provide a breeding ground for harmful bacteria and foodborne illness. Limit your use of oil when cooking eggs, and pair eggs with healthy flavorings, like chopped red peppers, mushrooms, and other veggies. Limit your cholesterol by cooking egg whites. Alternatively, get the best of both worlds by using a mixture of whole eggs and egg whites to get the flavor of egg yolk while still limiting your cholesterol intake. If you have a history of high cholesterol, talk to your doctor about including eggs in your diet.
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